Creating Virtual Private Catalog Accounts

RMAN must connect to the Recovery Appliance catalog when backing up to a Recovery Appliance. In this step, you create a virtual private catalog user for a specific protected database or set of protected databases.


Assume that you are a Recovery Appliance administrator with the following requirements:

  • You want to enroll database orcld with a Recovery Appliance.

  • You want to create a virtual private catalog account named ravpc1. When backing up orcld, you plan to run CONNECT CATALOG with the ravpc1 credentials.

To create a virtual private catalog account:

  1. Log in to the Recovery Appliance as your named db_user with the user type admin.

  2. Change to the bin directory:

    # cd /opt/oracle.RecoveryAppliance/bin
  3. Run the command to add the new virtual private catalog account.

    The following command adds a virtual private catalog account named ravpc1:

    # ./racli add db_user --user_name=ravpc1 --user_type=vpc

    When prompted, enter the password for the ravpc1 user.

See Also: