Managing an Attribute Set Using DBMS_RA

This section contains information on how to edit or delete an attribute set using DBMS_RA.

To edit an attribute set:

You can modify one or more attributes of an SBT attribute set by calling the given procedure in the DBMS_RA PL/SQL package.

  1. Using SQL*Plus or SQL Developer, connect to the Recovery Appliance database as the Recovery Appliance administrator.

  2. Run the UPDATE_SBT_ATTRIBUTE_SET procedure, providing the name of the SBT attribute set to modify and the new values for its attributes.

    Attributes omitted from the procedure call are left unchanged.

To delete an attribute set:

You can delete an SBT attribute set by calling the given procedure in the DBMS_RA PL/SQL package.

  1. Using SQL*Plus or SQL Developer, connect to the Recovery Appliance database as the Recovery Appliance administrator.

  2. Run the DELETE_SBT_ATTRIBUTE_SET procedure, providing the name of the SBT object to delete.