Assigning Network Addresses to the PDUs

To configure the PDU network addresses:

  1. Use an RS-232 cable to connect your laptop to the Cisco Ethernet switch SER MGT port.
  2. Configure your laptop's terminal emulator to use these settings:
    • 9600 baud

    • 8 bit

    • 1 stop bit

    • No parity bit

    • No flow control

  3. Log in to the PDU metering unit as the admin user with password welcome1.

    Change this password after configuring the network.

  4. Enter the network settings for the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway:
    pducli -> set net_ipv4_dhcp=Off
    set OK
    pducli -> set net_ipv4_ipaddr=ip_address
    set OK
    pducli -> set net_ipv4_subnet=subnet_mask
    set OK
    pducli -> set net_ipv4_gateway=default_gateway
    set OK
  5. (Optional) Configure the PDU with the DNS server IP addresses:
    pducli -> set net_ipv4_dns1=domain_name_1
    set OK
    pducli -> set net_ipv4_dns2=domain_name_2
    set OK
  6. Reset the PDU metering unit:
    pducli -> reset=yes
    set OK
  7. Remove the RS-232 cable from the SER MGT port.
  8. Repeat these steps for the second PDU metering unit.