Changing the DNS Server Address on the Compute Server

To change the DNS server address on the compute servers:

  1. Log in as the root user.
  2. Open /etc/resolv.conf file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the name server setting for the DNS server and change it to the new value. For example:
  4. Save the file and close the editor.
  5. Set the DNS server in the server ILOM:
    ipmitool sunoem cli 'set /SP/clients/dns nameserver=dns_ip'

    In the preceding command, dns_ip is the IP address of the DNS server. For multiple DNS servers, enter a comma-separated list. For example:

    set /SP/clients/dns nameserver=dns_ip1,dns_ip2,dns_ip3
  6. Repeat this procedure for each compute server.