Discovering the Cluster Database Targets

Before you discover the Recovery Appliance itself, perform the following steps to discover the Recovery Appliance cluster database, listener, and ASM targets.


If the Recovery Appliance is TLS-enabled, make sure the TCPS port and protocol are specified during the discovery of the cluster, the Recovery Appliance database, and the Recovery Appliance target.

  1. From the Setup menu in Cloud Control, choose Add Target, select Add Targets Manually.

    The Add Targets Manually page appears.

  2. Select Add Targets Using Guided Process.
  3. From the Target Types drop-down list, choose Oracle Database, Listener, and Automatic Storage Management, then click Add Using Guided Process...

    The Database Discovery: Search Criteria page appears.

  4. Use the Recovery Appliance cluster name or the host name of one of the compute servers as the criteria to perform the search, then click Next.

    The Database Discovery: Results page appears, showing the Recovery Appliance cluster database is listed, along with the ASM instances and listeners on all compute servers.

  5. Select the cluster database, and click Configure.
  6. Modify the settings to use fully qualified names in the Listener Machine Name fields and 1521 in the Port fields, then click Save.
  7. Supply the monitoring credentials for the cluster database, and click Test Connection.
  8. Select the cluster ASM, configure the appropriate monitoring credentials, and click Test Connection.
  9. Ensure that the management database under Single Instance Databases (-MGMTDB) is not selected.
  10. Select all listeners except the management listener (MGMTLSNR), and click Next.

    The Database Discovery: Review page appears.

  11. Verify the information, then click Save to start monitoring the targets.
  12. Close the Confirmation window.