Enabling Network Connectivity Using the Diagnostics ISO

You might need to use the diagnostics ISO to access a storage server that fails to restart normally. After starting the server, you can copy files from the ISO to the server, replacing the corrupt files.

The ISO is located on all Recovery Appliance servers at /opt/oracle.SupportTools/diagnostics.iso.


Use the diagnostics ISO only after other restart methods, such as using the USB drive, have failed. Contact Oracle Support for advise and guidance before starting this procedure.

To use the diagnostics ISO:

  1. Enable a one-time CD-ROM boot in the service processor, using either the web interface or a serial console, such as Telnet or puTTY. For example, use this command from a serial console:
    set boot_device=cdrom
  2. Mount a local copy of diagnostics.iso as a CD-ROM, using the service processor interface.
  3. Use the reboot command to restart the server.
  4. Log in to the server as the root user with the diagnostics ISO password.
  5. To avoid pings:
    alias ping="ping -c"
  6. Make a directory named /etc/network.
  7. Make a directory named/etc/network/if-pre-up.d.
  8. Add the following settings to the /etc/network/interfaces file, entering the actual IP address and netmask of the server, and the IP address of the gateway:
    iface eth0 inet static
    address IP address of server
    netmask netmask of server
    gateway gateway IP address of server
  9. Start the eth0 interface:
    # ifup eth0

    Ignore any warning messages.

  10. Use either FTP or the wget command to retrieve the files needed to repair the server.