Faulty Status Indicators

The following status indicators generate an alert. The alert includes specific instructions for replacing the flash disk. If you configured the system for alert notifications, then the alerts are sent by email message to the designated address.

warning - peer failure

One of the flash disks on the same Sun Flash Accelerator PCIe card failed or has a problem. For example, if FLASH5_3 fails, then FLASH5_0, FLASH5_1, and FLASH5_2 have peer failure status:

         36:0            L45F3A          normal
         36:1            L45WAE          normal
         36:2            L45WQW          normal
         FLASH_5_0       5L0034XM        warning - peer failure
         FLASH_5_1       5L0034JE        warning - peer failure
         FLASH_5_2       5L002WJH        warning - peer failure
         FLASH_5_3       5L002X4P        failed
warning - predictive failure

The flash disk will fail soon, and should be replaced at the earliest opportunity. If the flash disk is used for flash cache, then it continues to be used as flash cache. If the flash disk is used for grid disks, then the Oracle ASM disks associated with these grid disks are automatically dropped, and Oracle ASM rebalance relocates the data from the predictively failed disk to other disks.

When one flash disk has predictive failure status, then the data is copied. If the flash disk is used for write back flash cache, then the data is flushed from the flash disks to the grid disks.

warning - poor performance

The flash disk demonstrates extremely poor performance, and should be replaced at the earliest opportunity. If the flash disk is used for flash cache, then flash cache is dropped from this disk, thus reducing the effective flash cache size for the storage server. If the flash disk is used for grid disks, then the Oracle ASM disks associated with the grid disks on this flash disk are automatically dropped with the FORCE option, if possible. If DROP...FORCE cannot succeed because of offline partners, then the grid disks are dropped normally, and Oracle ASM rebalance relocates the data from the poor performance disk to the other disks.

warning - write-through caching

The capacitors used to support data cache on the PCIe card failed, and the card should be replaced as soon as possible.