racli add storage_cells

Prepares new Recovery Applicance storage cells for storage location expansion.


racli add storage_cells --cells=cell1,cell2,...celln [--priority=high]



The comma-separated list of storage cell names to prepare.


Indicates the priority level for the re-balance. The default is low. Low = 4. High = 32.

This command should only be run after re-balance is complete.


Prepares new Recovery Appliance storage cells for storage location expansion.

  • The new storage cells must be the same Exadata image version as the existing storage cells.

  • The new storage cells must not have any associated databases. To verify if this is the case, run:

    cellcli -e list database


This example adds the storage cells named cellhost1 and cellhost2 to the Recovery Appliance.

racli add storage_cells --cells=cell1,cell,...celln2