racli install appliance

Installs software to the Recovery Appliance software.


racli install appliance --step={ STEP_NUMBER | ALL } [--import=IMPORT_BUNDLE_PATH]



Specifies the location of the RA export bundle to use for the installation.


Indicate which step number of install appliance to run. Value range is 1-7 or "all" for all steps.

Step Numbers:

  1. Validates and configures the hardware and platform.

  2. Configures the operating system, including setting up file system properties, and users and groups.

  3. Configures the oracle operating system user.

  4. Creates the database file system (DBFS) mounts, configures TNS aliases, and sets up the required wallets for communication.

  5. If a tape backup system is detected, validates and configures the appliance using details that were specified on the Tape Library Connectivity Page in the Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant.

  6. Configures backup of the Recovery Appliance catalog database and creates credentials for performing the backups. The catalog is backed up to a Recovery Appliance disk on an automated schedule.

  7. Prompts for the raadmin password. Starts all Recovery Appliance services installed in the previous steps. Removes remote root and oracle access during this step.


Installs software to the Recovery Appliance software.

Before you run racli install appliance:

  • Ensure that all current installation patches are stated in the /u01/ra_install/linux-x64/WorkDir directory.

  • Ensure that the ra_preinstall.pl and install.sh scripts were run and successfully completed.

If a step fails, contact Oracle Support Services.


The following example runs only step 2 of the software installation.

racli install appliance --step=2

The following example runs all of the steps necessary to install the software based on the system and configuration settings.

racli install appliance