racli update appliance

Updates the Recover Appliance.


racli update appliance [--ignore_incidents]



Ignore active incidents (not recommended).


This command replaces "racli patch appliance" and "racli upgrade appliance" and determines whether the update should be a patch or an upgrade. It performs all the prechecks. If the prechecks pass, it proceeds with the patch or upgrade steps. If the update fails in the middle and after the identified error is corrected, this command can be rerun and it will continue with the step that failed.

Do not run this command from :/raacfs/raadamin/tmp/. because patching will fail when the CRS is stopped.

  1. As an admin user or root user, stage the software release zip file.

    $ scp <ZIP_FILE_NAME> <USER>@firstnode:/raacfs/raadmin/tmp/
  2. As an admin user or root user, run the ra_preinstall.

    <USER>@firstnode> # racli run preinstall 
