racli version

Provides version information for software running on the Recovery Appliance.


racli version [--history] [--cache] [--all_nodes] [--json] [--force]



Displays the version from all nodes in cluster.


Retrieve version values from existing cache file.


Retrieve real-time data of versions and updates raa_versions table if database is online.


Displays all active and previous versions. A blank line is expected when there is no history data to report.


Display data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).


Provides version information for software running on the Recovery Appliance.

The version information provided includes:

exadata image

The exadata image currently installed on the Recovery Appliance. A blank line is expected when there is no history data to report.

rarpm version

The ra_automation rpm currently installed on the Recovery Appliance.

rdbms version

The database version currenly installed on the Recovery Appliance.


The specific transaction associated with the version running on the Recovery Appliance.

zdlra version

The base software version installed and running on the Recovery Appliance.