Replacing a Disk Controller BBU on a Storage Server

To replace a disk controller BBU on a storage server:

  1. Drop the disk controller BBU for replacement using the following command:
    # cellcli -e alter cell bbu drop for replacement
  2. Verify that the disk controller BBU has been dropped for replacement using the following command:
    # cellcli -e list cell attributes bbustatus
    BBU status: dropped for replacement.
  3. Replace the disk controller BBU by releasing the drive caddy and slowly pulling out the tray, and then sliding the replacement tray into the slot. The disk controller BBU is located in rear slot 1 of the server.
  4. Verify that the disk controller BBU battery state is operational.
    # cellcli -e list cell attributes bbustatus
    BBU status: normal
  5. Perform battery checks as described in My Oracle Support Doc ID 1274318.1. If the checks return unexpected results, then refer to the note for additional information and instructions.
  6. (Optional) Use the exachk tool to verify the health of the system. The tool is available in My Oracle Support Doc ID 1070954.1.