Third-Party Tape Systems

Out of the box, Recovery Appliance supports the use of any third-party (non Oracle) media management software that is compatible with the Recovery Appliance.

Recovery Appliance allows the use of third-party media management software that offers RMAN-integrated backup module with its client software. Only the client software component of a third-party media management product for copy to tape operations may be installed on the Recovery Appliance compute servers.

Under the terms of the Recovery Appliance license, you may not install the media manager server component because only Oracle Secure Backup can back up Recovery Appliance to the tape devices directly (or via SAN) attached to the fibre channel interfaces of the compute nodes. Any non Oracle media manager software must be configured only as a network client.

Note the following:

  • Recovery Appliance software upgrades might not preserve the client software or its configuration.

  • Third-party media managers do not provide Recovery Appliance metadata protection support.

  • If you configure third-party media managers with Recovery Appliance, carefully validate your configuration to ensure that backups and restores work as expected.

  • Refer to My Oracle Support note 2014361.1 for restrictions and guidance on third party software installation.