3 Monitoring and Administration Tasks

After you have discovered Autonomous Databases, you can perform the following monitoring and administration tasks using Oracle Enterprise Manager for Autonomous Databases.

As you review the information available in the following table, note that:

  • For Autonomous Databases, Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a subset of the features that it provides for Oracle Databases. The "more information" links in the following table currently take you to generic information on Oracle Enterprise Manager support for Oracle Databases, and all the features may not be available for Autonomous Databases.
  • When you click the options in the user interface that take you to other Performance, Security, Schema, and Administration pages, the Database Login page is displayed and you must enter the Database Admin User credentials. These credentials can also be configured as named credentials. For information on named credentials, see Credentials Management in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Security Guide.
Task Description

Monitor the state and workload of the Autonomous Database on the Database Home page

To go to the Database Home page:
  1. Click the Targets drop-down list > Databases option.
  2. On the Databases page, click the name of the Autonomous Database.

The Database Home page enables you to proactively monitor:

  • Load and Capacity of the Autonomous Database.
  • Database Incidents that have occurred over the last 24 hours, if any.
  • Active session information in the Performance section, which includes:
    • The Activity Class chart that shows the average number of database sessions active for the past hour.
    • The Services chart that shows the average number of database sessions active for the past hour for database services.
  • Resource utilization on CPU, Active Sessions, Memory, and Data Storage charts in the Resources section.
  • SQL activity in the SQL Monitor section. The table in this section provides information on monitored SQL statement executions.

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Monitor performance and diagnose issues on the Performance Hub, SQL Monitoring, AWR, and Advisors pages

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager, you can monitor the performance of an Autonomous Database and ensure that it performs optimally.

From the Performance drop-down list on the Database Home page, you can select one of the following options:

  • Performance Hub: View all the performance data available for a specified time period. Once a time period is selected, the performance information is collected and presented based on performance subject areas.
  • SQL: Click options such as SQL Tuning Advisor to examine SQL statements and obtain recommendations to improve efficiency, or SQL Tuning Sets to obtain a collection of SQL statements that can be used for tuning.
  • AWR: Click AWR options to enable AWR collection for the Autonomous Database, generate, and view an AWR report.
  • Advisors Home: View and use SQL advisors to optimize the Autonomous Database's performance.

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Keep the Autonomous Databases secure

Oracle Enterprise Manager provides security features that control how a database is accessed and used.

From the Security drop-down list on the Database Home page, you can select one of the following options:

  • Users: Create a user with a valid username and password to prevent unauthorized use. You can also associate specified privileges, roles, and so on with a user.
  • Roles: Create a role to group together privileges and other roles. This facilitates granting multiple privileges and roles to users.
  • Profiles: Create a profile, which is a set of user authorizations and privileges. If you add a user to a profile, then the authorizations and privileges defined in that profile are acquired by the user.
  • Audit Settings: Set up and adjust audit settings to monitor and record selected user database actions.
  • Privilege Analysis: Perform a dynamic analysis of privileges and roles that a user account or database uses over time. You can then revoke unused grants and make other changes to better reflect the access a user requires.
  • Virtual Private Database: Create security policies to enforce row-level security policies at the object (table, view, or synonym) level, when the standard object privileges and associated database roles are insufficient to meet application security requirements.

Perform Schema Management tasks

Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a comprehensive set of tools that allows you to manage all aspects of database objects such as tables, indexes, and views.

From the Schema drop-down list on the Database Home page, you can select one of the following options to perform fundamental tasks such as creating, editing, and viewing schema objects:

  • Database Objects: Click to create and manage all aspects of database directory objects such as tables and indexes.
  • Programs: Click to manage the procedures, functions, triggers and so on associated with the Autonomous Database.

Perform Database Administration tasks such as Storage Management and Automated Maintenance

Oracle Enterprise Manager allows you to view and manage the storage structures of Autonomous Databases.

From the Administration drop-down list on the Database Home page, you can select one of the following options:

  • Storage: Click Datafiles or Tablespaces to manage your datafiles and tablespaces. Click Automatic Undo Management to view:
    • Name and size of undo tablespace
    • Auto-extend tablespace setting
    • Auto-tuned undo retention period
    • Minimum retention period

    Note that for Autonomous Databases, you cannot configure the Undo setting. This is a read-only view to understand the Undo configuration.

  • Oracle Scheduler: Click Automated Maintenance Tasks to enable the following maintenance tasks, which are performed automatically during maintenance windows:
    • Optimizer Statistics Gathering: Collects optimizer statistics for all schema objects in the Autonomous Database for which there are no statistics or only stale statistics.
    • Automatic SQL Tuning: Examines the performance of high-load SQL statements, and makes recommendations on how to tune those statements.

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