Dropping and Recreating the Management Repository

This section provides information about dropping the Management Repository from your existing database and recreating the Management Repository after you install Enterprise Manager.

It should be noted here that there is no recovery from the drop command so this action is only appropriate if you are decommissioning an Enterprise Manager site.

Dropping the Management Repository

To recreate the Management Repository, you first remove the Enterprise Manager schema from your Management Repository database. You accomplish this task using the -action drop argument to the RepManager script, which is described in the following procedure.

To remove the Management Repository from your database:

  1. Locate the RepManager script in the following directory of the Middleware Home where you have installed and deployed the Management Service:


    Do not use the database version of the Repmanager script. It does not delete all components which will result in a failed re-installation.

    Also, RepManager is the only way to drop the repository, so you should be sure not to delete the OMS Home until the drop has successfully completed.

  2. At the command prompt, enter the following command:
    $PROMPT> RepManager repository_host repository_port repository_SID 
    -sys_password password_for_sys_account -action drop

    In this syntax example:

    • repository_host is the machine name where the Management Repository database is located

    • repository_port is the Management Repository database listener port address, usually 1521

    • repository_SID is the Management Repository database system identifier

    • password_for_sys_account is the password of the SYS user for the database.

    • -action drop indicates that you want to drop the Management Repository, MDS, OPSS, APM, and Schemas. If you use drop, the command drops only the Management Repository.


The drop command will remove the BI schema (SYSMAN_BIPLATFORM) if it exists.

Alternatively, you can use a connect descriptor to identify the database on the RepManager command line. The connect descriptor identifies the host, port, and name of the database using a standard Oracle database syntax.

For example, you can use the connect descriptor as follows to create the Management Repository:

(HOST=host1)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servicename)))"
-sys_password efkl34lmn -action drop

See Also:

"Establishing a Connection and Testing the Network" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information for more information about connecting to a database using connect descriptors.

Recreating the Management Repository

The preferred method for creating the Management Repository is to create the Management Repository during the Enterprise Manager installation procedure, which is performed using Oracle Universal Installer.

See Also:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation and Basic Configuration for information about installing Enterprise Manager.

In the event a repository is dropped, you cannot create the repository alone using the "RepManager create" command. The command will not create all the required users in the repository database. To create the repository you must completely reinstall Cloud Control.

If you are following recommended best practices by regularly backing up the repository, then you can use a backup of the repository as long as any one of the following is true:

  • The primary OMS home is intact

  • There is an export/config of the primary OMS

  • There is a file system back up of the primary OMS

Using a Connect Descriptor to Identify the Management Repository Database

You can use a connect descriptor to identify the database on the RepManager command line. The connect descriptor identifies the host, port, and name of the database using a standard Oracle database syntax.

For example, you can use the connect descriptor as follows to create the Management Repository:

(HOST=host1)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servicename)))"
-sys_password efkl34lmn -action create

See Also:

"Establishing a Connection and Testing the Network" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information for more information about connecting to a database using a connect descriptor

The ability to use a connect string allows you to provide an address list as part of the connection string. The following example shows how you can provide an address list consisting of two listeners as part of the RepManager command line. If a listener on one host becomes unavailable, the second listener can still accept incoming requests:

$PROMPT> ./RepManager -connect "(DESCRIPTION=
-sys_password efkl34lmn -action create

See Also:

Oracle Database High Availability Architecture and Best Practices

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation and Basic Configuration