EMCTL Connector Command

The EMCTL command to add and register a custom template on Enterprise Manager is:

emctl register_template connector [-t <template.xml>] [-repos_pwd <repos password>] [-cname <connectorName>] [-iname <internalName>] [-tname <templateName>] [-ttype <templateType>] [-d <description>]

The parameter descriptions are as below:

  • -t: Indicates the full path of the template.

  • -repos_pwd: Indicates the Enterprise Manager root (SYSMAN) password.

  • -cname: Indicates the connector name.

  • -iname: Indicates the internal name of the template.

  • -tname: Indicates the displayed template name.

  • -ttype: Indicates the template type. The different template types are:

    • <templateType> 1: inbound transformation

    • <templateType> 2: outbound transformation

    • <templateType> 3: xml based outbound transformation

  • -d: Indicates the description.