Description of the illustration zfs_projects_new.PNG

This image is a screen capture of a storage appliance's Projects tab view. The right portion contains four tabs vertically, Hardware, Summary, Projects, and Charts. The third tab is highlighted in a red box as it represents the Projects tab. The left portion of this image has three radio button options such as All, Filesystems, and Logical Units. To the right of these three options, you have a Filter By field to search by entering the name of the project filesystem or LUN. Next to this field, there is a Cancel button to cancel the search criteria. Next to the Cancel button, you have a Sort Project By field to search for the project by entering the name.

The below portion shows a row with an example of a filesystem listed as Project Name and the space used by 6 shares as 1407.69GB. To its the right, there is a graphical representation of Physical Usage, Physical Size, and Logical Allocation against the Storage Distribution Size in GB. Storage Distribution Size in GB along the x-axis is marked at the interval of 3K starting from 0K. Physical Usage, Physical Size, and Logical Allocation along the y-axis. Logical Allocation value is indicated as 14.95K, Physical Size value is indicated as 16.88K, and the Physical Usage value is indicated to be 1925. Next to the graphical representation, the storage utilization as 11 percent, and the locator light for the storage services which are active. In this example, the NFS storage service locator light is green indicating it is active and the SMB is inactive.