Monitoring a Service

After a service has been defined, you can monitor the status of the service, view the availability history, performance, enabled SLAs, topology, and so on. This section describes the following:

  • Generic / Aggregate Service Home Page

  • Performance Incidents Page

  • SLA Dashboard

  • Test Summary

  • Topology

Viewing the Generic / Aggregate Service Home Page

To view the overview of the performance, availability, and usage of your service, click on a selected service in the main service pages. The Home page of the selected service appears. It contains the following regions:

  • General: In this region, you can view the current status of the service and the availability (%) over the last 24 hours. You can also view whether the availability is based on the service test, or the system. In the case of aggregate services, availability can also be based on the sub services. The Availability History chart shows the period of time for which the service was available, when it was down, in a blackout status, and so on.

  • Component Availability: This region shows the availability of the service tests or system components on which the service is based. Select the Show Only Key Tests check box to view only the key components or tests.

Viewing the Performance / Incidents Page

On this page, you can view charts for the performance and usage metrics defined for the service and drill down to view additional metric details.

Performance metrics to help you identify how well the service test is performing for each of the remote beacons. In general, the local beacon should have a very efficient and consistent response time because it is local to the Web application host. Remote beacons provide data to reflect the response time experienced by your application end users.

Usage metrics are used to measure the user demand or workload for the service. Usage metrics are collected based on the usage of the underlying system components on which the service is hosted. You can monitor the usage of a specific component or statistically calculate the average, minimum and maximum value from a set of components.

In the Incidents and Problems region, you can view any incidents or problems associated with the service.

Viewing the SLA Dashboard

This page displays the list of enabled SLAs for this service. For each SLA, you can see the following:

  • The current status of the SLA and its SLOs along with the service level value for the current SLA period.

  • The History column shows the SLA status for the last seven days.

  • The Violations column shows the actual, remaining, and total allowable SLA violation times for that SLO.

Viewing the Test Summary

The Test Reporting Dashboard shows the list of all the enabled tests for that particular service. Apart from the execution history of the tests over the last 24 hours, the most failed step of the test information is also displayed, both at the beacon level and at the test (aggregate) level.

The trend of the total time taken by the transaction is also displayed over the last 24 hours. Also, the breakdown of the step metrics are displayed for a particular transaction execution.

Use this page to see an overview of all the tests, by performance and issues, and to drill down to individual executions per beacon and drill down to transaction results with an execution.

How to Use This Page

By default, on arriving at this page, all the enabled tests are shown at the overall level. The most failed step information is displayed which shows the most failing step of the test across all executing beacons.

On expanding any test node in the tree-table, the beacon level execution summary is displayed showing the test execution history (last 24 hours) along with the information of the most failed step.

On clicking on the test node in the tree table, the transaction diagnostics region shows up in the lower part of page. If the parent node, that is the test (overall) node, is selected, then the diagnostics regions in the lower part show the aggregated data across all successfully executing beacons.

The left part of this region shows the transaction total time trend (last 24 hours) and has a time selector slider. The intention of this slider is to select the transaction/transaction period to see the step diagnostics region which occupies the right part of the lower region.

Viewing the Service Topology

The topology viewer provides a graphical representation of the components of your service. The topology viewer shows all dependent components and sub services, represented as icons, as well as the relationships between them, represented as links. For system components, only key components are displayed.

You can do the following:

  • View the relationship between the service and its dependencies, including other services, and system key components. All determinants for your service's availability are displayed in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Topology Viewer.

  • View the causes of service failure, as identified by Root Cause Analysis. Potential root causes and down targets are highlighted. Select highlighted links between components to view details on the cause of service failure. For more information, see About Root Cause Analysis. If you have installed and configured the SMARTS Network Adapter, the topology page shows the status of the network for your failed service as well. For more information on Network Manager Adapter plug-ins, refer to About the SMARTS Network Adapter.

For more details on the topology viewer, refer to the Enterprise Manager Online Help.

Sub Services

Aggregate services consist of one or more services, called sub services or member services. A subservice is any generic test based on system based service The availability, performance, and usage for the aggregate service depend on the availability, performance, and usage for the individual sub services comprising the service.

This page lists all the sub services that are part of the aggregate service. For each sub service, the status of the service, key components, incidents, and so on are displayed.