Creating IPoIB Subnets for Tenant Networks

IPoIB networks are deployed on the private security domain. Multiple IPoIB virtual networks can be deployed on a security domain of the tenant. These IPoIB networks are not isolated from each other and can be created for each tenant.

To create an IPoIB subnet, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Tenant Networks box and click Create. Enter the following details:

    • Name: Enter the name of the tenant administrator user.

    • vEthernet Name: Click the Search icon and select the VEthernet from the list.

    • Creation Mode: This can be CIDR / IP Range or Global IP.

      • CIDR: Enter the IP address for the subnet in the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) format. A CIDR address includes the standard 32-bit IP address and it indicates how many bits are used for the prefix.

        For example, an address of indicates that the first 25 bits are used to identify the unique network. The remaining bits are available to identify the specific host. The network you specify must not be used by another EoIB network.

      • Global IP: An IP Pool is a pool of public IP ranges made up of one or more IP Pool entries. If global IP pool is enabled in the site configuration, specify the global IP pool address number. If this number is specified, the IP address is allocated from a global pool of IP addresses.

    • Ethernet Interface Index: Select this checkbox and specify the ethernet interface index number.

    • Description: Enter a description of the EoIB network.

    • IP Ranges: Click Add to add an IP address range in the format IP-IP. For example,

  2. Click Create to create the IPoIB subnet and return to the Networks page.