Viewing the Orchestration Details

To view the orchestration details, click on the Name link in the Services region of the Infrastructure - Oracle Compute Self Service Portal page.

Figure 14-4 Oracle Compute Orchestration Page

Oracle Compute Orchestration Page

This page contains the following regions:

  • General: This region shows the name of the Oracle Compute Site, the target name, the number of launch plans, CPU, and allocated memory.

  • VM Instances: Lists the VM instances in the launch plan and the configuration for each VM instance which includes the status, shape, template, VNC URL, and IP address. Click on the VM Instance link to drill down to the VM Instance Home page. If the VM instance is up and running, select the VM Instance and click Shutdown to shut down the instance. If the VM instance is down, click Restart to restart the instance.

You can perform the following operations on this page:

  • Start

  • Stop

  • Update

  • Shutdown