About Virtualization Platform Information

You can select a virtualization platform to view information about the virtualization platform and its guests.

The top section of the UI displays basic information about the selected virtualization platform. You can click the scroll icons to move left or right.

  • Platform: This section displays the platform type, its version, and its uptime.

  • Open Incidents: This section displays the number of fatal, critical, and warning incidents on the system. You can click on a category to bring up a detailed list of incidents within that category.


    The number of open incidents on the Virtualization Platform page indicates all open incidents for the platform - for the control domain and all logical domains. By default, the Incident Manager page for the control domain shows the open incidents for the control domain, not the associated logical domains. You can change the display in the Incident Manager to show incidents for the control domain and logical domains. In Incident Manager, select Search, then select Target and all members for the Include Members search criteria.

  • CPU and Memory: This section displays circular gauges showing the current CPU and memory as a percentage of the maximum values. For more details, click the third tab. Beginning with Oracle VM Server for SPARC version 3.2, the Resource Group feature is available for eligible platforms with the proper service processor firmware. The Resource Group feature provides physical CPU information for logical domain guests without requiring a discovered ILOM.


    On older hardware and Oracle VM Server for SPARC versions earlier than 3.2, this information is displayed only if the ILOM of the hardware has been discovered.
  • Up and Running Guests: This section displays the number of running guests out of the number of configured guests.

  • Virtual CPUs, Memory, and Cores: This section displays pie charts showing the current number of allocated and available virtual CPUs, amount of allocated and available memory, and number of allocated and available cores.

  • Total CPU Consumption and its Distribution per Guest: This section shows the total CPU consumption and a graph of the guest count for each cpu range.

  • Total Memory Consumption and its Distribution per Guest: This section shows the total memory consumption for the virtualization platform and a graph of the guest count for each memory range.

  • Total Power Consumption and its Distribution per Guest: This section shows the total power consumption and a graph of the guest count for each power range.

  • Last Configuration Change and Incident: This section shows the date of the last configuration change on the system, and the date of the last reported incident.

Viewing the Virtualization Platform Basic Information

  1. Select All Targets from the Targets list.
  2. Under the Servers, Storage, and Network heading, select Systems Infrastructure Virtualization Platform.

    A list of the target virtualization platforms is displayed.

  3. Click the target name to open the Summary page for the virtualization platform. The dashlets appear on the top of the page and provide the summary information.

About the Virtualization Platform's Guest Summary

The Guest Summary section displays details about the guests that are managed by the virtualization platform. Select the Summary tab to view this information.

The top section displays bar graphs showing the virtual CPUs and memory configured for each guest, as a portion of the total available.

The bottom section displays a table, or list, of the guests. You can select list or table for the guest display. In list mode, use the sort options in the upper left to sort the guests by type, incidents, memory, or vCPUs.

By default, the domains are displayed in descending order based on the number of incidents.

For each guest, the following information is displayed:

  • Target Status Icon: This icon indicates whether the guest is monitored.

  • Type Icons: These icons identify the type of guest. Separate icons identify control domains, guest domains, root domains, IO domains, and service domains.

  • Name: The guest's name.

  • CPU Information: Displays the number of CPU cores and vCPUs allocated to the guest

  • Memory: Displays the memory available to the guest.

  • Operational Status Icon: This icon indicates whether the guest is unbound, started, or stopped.

  • Incidents: The numbers of open fatal, critical, and warning incidents for the guest.

  • Cores: Displays the number of cores allocated to the guest.

  • CPU Usage Graph: Displays the current CPU usage and the CPU usage over the past five hours. This information is displayed only if the guest is started, and is only displayed in list mode.

You can use the search field at the top of the guest table to search for specific guests.

Viewing the Virtualization Platform Guest Summary

  1. Select All Targets from the Targets list.
  2. Under the Servers, Storage, and Network heading, select Systems Infrastructure Virtualization Platform.

    A list of the target virtualization platforms is displayed.

  3. Click the target name to open the Summary page for the virtualization platform.
  4. Click the Summary tab.

About the Virtualization Platform's Services

You can view details about the I/O and network services available on the virtualization platform, and view the topology of a virtualization platform, showing what services are provided and consumed. Select the Services tab to view this information.

The top section displays a table of I/O and network services. For each resource, the following information is displayed:

  • Name

  • Type

  • Operational Status icon

  • Number of guests using the resource

You can use the search field at the top of the table to search for specific services.

For each resource, you can click More to display additional information.

The bottom section displays a topology diagram, which shows each guest and the network resources provided or consumed by each guest. You can select the only guests option to display only the guests.

In the guests and services display, you can hover over a guest to highlight the network services it is using, or hover over a network resource to highlight the guests using it.

In the only guests display, you can hover over a guest to show the network resources it shares with other guests.

Click the Control Panel button to access zoom controls. You can use these controls to zoom in, zoom out, or zoom to fit the current window.

Viewing the Virtualization Platform Services

  1. Select All Targets from the Targets list.
  2. Under the Servers, Storage, and Network heading, select Systems Infrastructure Virtualization Platform.

    A list of the target virtualization platforms is displayed.

  3. Click the target name to open the Summary page for the virtualization platform.
  4. Click the Services tab.

About the Virtualization Platform's vCPU and Core Allocation

You can view details about vCPU and core allocation. Select the Core Distribution tab to view this information.

This section displays a pie chart, showing which CPUs and cores are allocated to which guests, and which are unallocated. You can click on a guest in the outer layer to view detailed information about that guest's resource consumption. The following fields are displayed:

  • Name: The guest's user-friendly name.

  • Type Icons: These icons identify the type of guest. Separate icons identify control domains, guest domains, root domains, IO domains, and service domains.

  • Operational Status Icon

  • Number of vCPUs: The number of virtual CPUs assigned to the guest.

  • CPU Usage: Displays the guest's CPU usage over the last hour, day, or week.

Viewing the Virtualization Platform vCPU and Core Allocation

  1. Select All Targets from the Targets list.
  2. Under the Servers, Storage, and Network heading, select Systems Infrastructure Virtualization Platform.

    A list of the target virtualization platforms is displayed.

  3. Click the target name to open the Summary page for the virtualization platform.
  4. Click the Core Distribution tab.

About Virtualization Platform Metrics

You can view a complete list of the metrics for a selected virtualization platform.

Viewing Platform Metrics

  1. Select All Targets from the Targets list.
  2. Under the Servers, Storage, and Network heading, select Systems Infrastructure Virtualization Platform.

    A list of the target virtualization platforms is displayed.

  3. Click the target name to open the Summary page for the virtualization platform.
  4. Click Virtualization Platform in the upper left corner of the page. Click Monitoring, then click All Metrics.
  5. Click a metric to view details, collection schedule, upload interval and other details.