
Adds a proxy which mediates the https traffic from Oracle Management Server to the Management Agent. Note that this proxy is modeled as an oracle_em_proxy target type. Management Agents can be associated with the proxy in two ways:
  1. Using Management Agent names.

  2. Using patterns for Management Agent names.

Currently, the oracle_em_proxy target type proxies are supported only for the traffic from Oracle Management Server to the Management Agent. For traffic in the reverse direction (i.e. from the Management Agent to Oracle Management Server), proxy settings can be specified in the corresponding Management Agent's file.


emcli add_proxy
      -protocol=<http | https>
      [-named_credential="<credential name>"]
      -agent_patterns="<name pattern1>,<name pattern2>,..."]
      [-excluded_agent_patterns="<name pattern1>,<name pattern2>,..."]

[ ] indicates that the parameter is optional. 


  • name

    Unique name identifying a proxy.

  • host

    Hostname of a machine where the proxy is set up.

  • port

    Port on the proxy host offering the proxy service.

  • protocol

    Protocol used by the traffic which the proxy mediates. The valid values of this option are http or https.

  • named_credential

    Name of the Named Credential to be used for authentication with the proxy.

  • agents

    Comma separated list of the names of Management Agents which the proxy mediates for. The backslash character (\) can be used as an escape character. If the Management Agent with the given name does not exist, it is ignored.

  • agent_patterns

    Comma separated list of patterns for the names of Management Agents which the proxy mediates for. Pattern can use two wildcard characters:Asterisks (*) for one or more characters.Question mark (?) for a single character.Backslash (/) for an escape character.

  • excluded_agent_patterns

    Comma separated list of patterns for the names of Management Agents which need to be excluded from the names of Management Agents identified by Management Agent name patterns associated with the proxy (using the -agent_patterns option). These patterns can also use the same wildcard characters that apply to the -agent_patterns option.

  • oms_agent

    Name of Management Agent set up on Oracle Management Server.

  • parameter_1

    Sentence fragment describing the parameter.


The following example adds a new proxy using the options name, host, port, and protocol. In this example, the Management Agents are in the form "host<id>.<domain>" , where 'id' is a 3 digit number ranging from 000 to 999, and domain with values "in", "us", "uk", or "fr". In such a deployment, this proxy is associated with host000 and host001 from the "us" domain and host100 to host179 from all the domains.

emcli add_proxy