
Clears preferred or monitoring credentials for given users.


emcli clear_credential

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • target_type

    Type of target, which must be "host" if you specify the oracle_homes option.

  • target_name

    Name of the target. Omit this option to clear enterprise-preferred credentials. The target name must be the host name if you specify the oracle_homes option.

  • credential_set

    Credential set affected.

  • user

    Enterprise Manager user whose credentials are affected. If omitted, the current user's credentials are affected. This value is ignored for monitoring credentials.

  • oracle_homes

    Name of Oracle homes on the target host. Credentials are cleared for all specified homes.


The following example clears the credential set DBCredsNormal with the user admin1 for the myDB target.

emcli clear_credential