
Perform database high availability (HA) configuration tasks. This verb has multiple subcommands that perform different HA-related operations. The available subcommands are mentioned in detail as follows:

configure_db_ha -configureBackupToRA

Configures one or more databases for protection by one or more Recovery Appliance(s). The command schedules an Enterprise Manager deployment procedure that processes multiple databases and configures each to send backups to a designated Recovery Appliance. In addition, the command also enables redo transport to the Recovery Appliance(s) either from individual databases or from within a Data Guard broker configuration. The procedure steps include configuring a database backup wallet, installing the Recovery Appliance Backup Module in the database Oracle homes (if necessary), and configuration of all required backup and redo settings in the database and in Enterprise Manager. Before running this command, the specified databases must already be enrolled with the Recovery Appliance as protected databases (as performed by the Recovery Appliance administrator via the emcli manage_ra -addProtectedDatabase command or the Enterprise Manager Recovery Appliance management console).

The -backup_config parameter controls the type of databases that will be processed and how they will be configured for backup and redo transport. If this parameter is specified with a value of "NO_DG", only databases that are not in a Data Guard configuration will be configured. If the parameter is specified with a value of "ALL_DG" or "CUSTOM_DG", only databases in a Data Guard broker configuration will be configured to send backups to one or more Recovery Appliances (either the same Recovery Appliance for all databases or different Recovery Appliances designated for different databases), and the Recovery Appliance(s) will subsequently be added as members of the Data Guard broker configuration and redo transport will be enabled to the Recovery Appliance(s).

The command can also be used to change the existing configuration of one or more databases, either for the same Recovery Appliance or for a different Recovery Appliance than the one currently configured. The procedure works identically in the initial configuration and reconfiguration cases, except that in the latter case any existing protected database configuration is overwritten with the new settings.

Wallet Handling

Configuration of the Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog credentials in an Oracle wallet is a requirement for a database to send backups and redo to a Recovery Appliance. Since this configuration must coexist with other database features that use the wallet, it must either be integrated into an existing wallet if present or a new wallet must be created in the proper location. Since the WALLET_LOCATION parameter in SQLNET.ORA is used by some database features (such as redo transport) to determine the wallet location, the location of SQLNET.ORA must also be determined. The configuration procedure submitted by this command will use the following rules to determine the location of SQLNET.ORA and the database wallet:

  • The location of SQLNET.ORA for each database will be determined as follows:

    1. Use the value of the TNS_ADMIN environment variable set via the database SRVCTL utility, if it is set.

    2. Otherwise, use the value of TNS_ADMIN in the environment of the Enterprise Manager Agent that is monitoring the database, if it is set.

    3. Otherwise, if the database Oracle home is a read-only Oracle home, use $ORACLE_BASE_HOME/network/admin.

    4. Otherwise, use $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.

  • The location of the backup wallet to be created/updated for each database will be determined as follows:

    1. Create/update the wallet in the location specified by WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA.

    2. Otherwise, update the default wallet in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_UNQNAME/wallet, if it exists.

    3. Otherwise, if -wallet_location is specified, create/update the wallet in the specified location (which is $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_UNQNAME/wallet if USE_RECOMMENDED is specified).

    4. Otherwise, if the database Oracle home is a read-only Oracle home, create/update the wallet in $ORACLE_BASE_HOME/dbs/zdlra.

    5. Otherwise, create/update the wallet in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/zdlra.

  • In case 2 above, WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA will be set to the associated wallet location only if the -force_update_wallet_loc argument is specified, in order to avoid inadvertently overriding a default wallet for databases features that use it. In cases 3 through 5, WALLET_LOCATION will be set to the associated value by default, as in these cases there is no default wallet and there is no existing value for WALLET_LOCATION. If WALLET_LOCATION cannot be set for any reason, the following will occur:

    • The Set Redo Transport User step of the configuration procedure will fail with an error indicating that the required WALLET_LOCATION setting is not present.

    • All other steps of the procedure will proceed.

    • The databases will be configured to only send backups to the Recovery Appliance(s) and redo transport will not be enabled.

    • If the databases being processed are in a Data Guard configuration, the Recovery Appliance(s) will not be added to the Data Guard broker configuration.

    • The status of the procedure will be reported as Completed with Errors.


emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackupToRA
      (-target_name="<database or group target name>" -target_type="oracle_database|rac_database|composite")
      | -input_file="<full path name of input file>"
    [-ra_target_name="<Recovery Appliance or Recovery Appliance Monitoring View target name>"]
    [-ra_vpc_username="<Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog username>"]
    [-ra_override_conn_desc="<Recovery Appliance database override connect descriptor>"]
    [-db_cred="<database target named credential>"]
    [-db_host_cred="<database host target named credential>"]
    [-backup_module_directory="<full pathname where backup module will be installed on database hosts>"]
    [-wallet_location=USE_RECOMMENDED|"<full pathname of backup wallet location>"]
    [-wallet_cred="<named credential containing wallet credentials for a password-protected wallet>"]
    [-parallelism=<# of channels to set in database RMAN settings for Recovery Appliance backups>]
        start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;
        tz:{java timezone ID};
        end_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;


The following conventions are used for the attribute values in the argument descriptions:

  • Required: Whether the argument is required on either the command line or in an input file, and if so under what conditions.

  • Default: For optional arguments, whether there is a default value.

  • Scope:

    • Command Line Only: The argument can be specified only on the command line, not in an input file, and will apply globally to all database targets involved in the command.

    • Input File Only: The argument can be specified only in the input file, at a per-target level.

    • Both: The argument can be specified on either the command line, in the input file, or both. If specified in both places, the value in the input file will override the corresponding command line argument value.

  • backup_config="NO_DG|ALL_DG|CUSTOM_DG"

    Specifies the databases that will be configured by this command. A single invocation of the command can operate only on a set of databases that are either Data Guard databases (i.e., primary or standby databases in a Data Guard configuration) or non-Data Guard databases (i.e., not primary or standby databases and not members of a Data Guard configuration). If the set of databases to be configured include a combination of Data Guard and non-Data Guard databases, the command should be invoked twice: once for the Data Guard databases and once for the non-Data Guard databases.

    • Required: Yes
    • Scope: Command Line Only
    • NO_DG:

      • Only non-Data Guard databases will be configured to send backups and redo to the Recovery Appliance(s) specified.

    • ALL_DG:

      • Only the primary databases in one or more Data Guard configurations can be specified as a target (on the command line or in an input file). The Recovery Appliance(s) specified for the database(s) will be integrated into the Data Guard configuration via the following steps:

        • All the databases in a Data Guard configuration will be configured to send backups to the Recovery Appliance specified for the primary database. (Backups can later be scheduled from any of the databases.)

        • The Recovery Appliance will be added as a member of the Data Guard broker configuration.

        • Redo transport will be enabled from the primary database to the Recovery Appliance. (Although all databases in the Data Guard configuration will have the basic settings required to send redo, redo transport will only be enabled from the primary database. After the initial configuration performed by this command, redo transport settings within the Data Guard configuration can be changed via Data Guard broker commands.)

      • Restrictions:

        • If multiple databases in a Data Guard configuration are specified as targets, these databases will be ignored and no configuration is attempted.

        • This option is not compatible with group targets. If a group target is specified on the command line or in the input file in conjunction with this option, an error will be thrown.

        • Preferred database credentials and preferred database host credentials must be present for all databases. If this is not available for all databases in a Data Guard configuration, the configuration procedure will fail and report an error for all databases in this configuration.

    • CUSTOM_DG:

      • One or more of the databases in one or more Data Guard configurations – the primary and some/all standbys – can be specified as targets in an input file. Each database can be designated to send backups to the same or different Recovery Appliances. The specified Recovery Appliance(s) will be integrated into the Data Guard configuration via the following steps:

        • Each specified database will be configured to send backups to its designated Recovery Appliance. (Databases in a Data Guard configuration not explicitly specified as targets will not be configured for backup.)

        • The Recovery Appliance(s) will be added as members of the associated Data Guard broker configuration.

        • If there are no redo routes currently defined for a Data Guard configuration, redo transport will be enabled from the primary database to all Recovery Appliances. If redo routes are currently defined for a Data Guard configuration, the Recovery Appliances will be added to the broker configuration but will not receive redo from any member. After the initial configuration performed by this command, the redo transport settings within the Data Guard configuration can be changed via Data Guard broker commands.

        • Regardless of which databases in a Data Guard configuration are specified, the redo transport user setting will be changed on the primary database to accommodate the integrated Recovery Appliance(s), and that setting (along with the primary database password file) will be propagated to all standby databases.

      • Restrictions:

        • If a group target is specified on the command line, only targets that are actually part of that group will be configured. The primary database in a Data Guard configuration must be included in the group.

        • An individual group can only be targeted to send backups to a single Recovery Appliance. If the primary and standby databases need to send backups to different Recovery Appliances, they must be members of different groups and these groups should be specified in an input file. The primary database must be a member of one of the groups specified in the input file.

  • target_name="<database or group target name>"

    Enterprise Manager target name of a single-instance database or cluster database that will be configured as a protected database, or else a group for which all member databases will be configured. (Multiple databases can be configured either by specifying a group target or by using the input_file option below.)

    • Required: Yes
    • Scope: Both
  • target_type="oracle_database|rac_database|composite"

    Target type corresponding to the target specified by -target_name. Allowed target types are single-instance database (oracle_database), cluster database (rac_database), or group (composite).

    • Required: Yes
    • Scope: Both
  • input_file="target_list:<full pathname of input file>"

    A file containing information for multiple databases and/or group targets. This is an alternative to the -target_name parameter that can be used when there are multiple databases to be configured with one or more Recovery Appliances. The entries in the file mirror the command-line parameters.

    • Required:
      • Command Line: Yes, unless -target_name is specified. (Either -target_name or -input_file must be specified.)
      • Input File: Not applicable.
    • Scope: Command Line Only

    The format of this file is as follows:

    • target_name and target_type are required for each database or group.

    • The following parameters are optional (conditionally if noted, otherwise entirely). They can be specified for some or all of the targets. If an option is not specified for a particular target, values specified on the command line for that option will be used for that target. If an option is present in both the input file and command line, the input file value overrides the command-line value.

      • ra_target_name (optional only if corresponding command line argument is specified)
      • ra_vpc_username (optional only if corresponding command line argument is specified)
      • ra_override_conn_desc
      • db_cred
      • db_host_cred
      • force_install_backup_module
      • backup_module_directory
      • wallet_location
      • force_update_wallet_loc
      • wallet_cred
      • ship_redo
      • skip_controlfile_autobackup
      • update_snapshot_controlfile_loc
      • force_restart_db
    • Input file format, showing optional parameters specified across three databases:

      target.0.target_name="<database #1 target name or group target name>"
      target.0.db_cred="<database named credential for database #1 or common credential for all databases in group target>"
      target.0.db_host_cred="<database host named credential for database #1>"
      target.0.ra_target_name="<target name of Recovery Appliance for which database #1 is to be configured (or multiple databases if target_name is group)>"
      target.0.ra_vpc_username="<Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog username for database #1>"
      target.1.target_name="<database #2 target name or group target name>"
      target.1.db_cred="<database named credential for database #2>"
      target.1.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #2>
      target.1.ra_target_name="<target name of Recovery Appliance for which database #2 is to be configured (or multiple databases if target_name is group)>"
      target.1.ra_vpc_username="<Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog username for database #2>"
      target.1.wallet_location="<full pathname of backup wallet location for database #2>"
      target.1.wallet_cred="<named credential containing wallet credentials for a password-protected backup wallet for database #2>"
      target.2.target_name=<database #3 target name or group target name>"
      target.2.db_cred="<database named credential for database #3>"
      target.2.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #3>
      target.2.ra_target_name="<target name of Recovery Appliance for which database #3 is to be configured (or multiple databases if target_name is group)>"
      target.2.ra_vpc_username="<Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog username for database #3>"
  • ra_target_name="<Recovery Appliance or Recovery Appliance Monitoring View target name>"

    The target name of the Recovery Appliance that the specified databases will be configured to send backups to. If the -input_file option is used, this setting can be optionally overridden for an individual database as noted above. Alternatively, a Recovery Appliance Monitoring View target can be specified, in which case the databases are configured to send backups to the Recovery Appliance associated with the Recovery Appliance Monitoring View.

    • Required: Yes
    • Scope: Both
  • ra_vpc_username="<Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog username>"

    The name of the Recovery Appliance database virtual private catalog user that will be used to send backups to and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance for all specified databases. This must be a virtual private catalog user, not the Recovery Appliance administrator user.

    • Required: Yes
    • Scope: Both
  • ra_override_conn_desc="<Recovery Appliance database override connect descriptor>"

    A TNS connect descriptor for the Recovery Appliance that will be used by the database to send backups and redo to the Recovery Appliance. If specified, this connect descriptor overrides the default Enterprise Manager connect descriptor for the Recovery Appliance target. The value can be a full connect descriptor, an Easy Connect string, or a TNS alias.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Use the default Enterprise Manger connect descriptor for the Recovery Appliance target.
    • Scope: Both
  • db_cred="<database target named credential>"

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database named credential for a SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP role user that can be used to connect to all the specified target databases. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified in an input file, this should be a global named credential.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Preferred database credentials for database target type.
    • Scope: Both
  • db_host_cred="<database target host named credential>"

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database host named credential that can be used to run operating system commands on the specified target database hosts. The credential should be for a user that has write permission for all Oracle homes. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple database hosts are specified in an input file, this should be a global named credential.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Preferred host credentials for database target type.
    • Scope: Both
  • download_backup_module

    Download the latest version of the Recovery Appliance backup module for all supported operating systems from the Oracle Cloud and upload them to the Enterprise Manager software library during the deployment procedure, so that they will then be available for deployment and installation for all databases being processed later in the procedure.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not download new backup module versions.
    • Scope: Both

    The following conditions apply to this argument:

    • If it is desired to install the latest available backup module version on all databases, this argument should be specified in conjunction with -force_install_backup_module.

    • This argument should not be specified if it is desired to maintain strict control of the backup module version on all databases. In that case, the desired backup module versions can be obtained and uploaded manually to the software library using the emcli configure_db_ha -uploadBackupModule command.

    • If this argument is specified but Enterprise Manager does not have external internet connectivity, backup module download will be skipped.

  • force_install_backup_module

    Force installation of the version of the Recovery Appliance backup module stored in the Enterprise Manager software library into the Oracle homes of the specified target databases, regardless of whether there is an existing backup module installed in the Oracle homes. This will overwrite any existing backup module, so this option should be selected only if it is known that the backup module version in the software library is the version desired to be installed on all the specified target databases. If this argument is not specified, the backup module will be installed only if there is no existing backup module installed in the Oracle home and there is a backup module version uploaded to the software library.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not install the backup module.
    • Scope: Both
  • backup_module_directory="<full pathname where backup module will be installed on database hosts>"

    The directory where the backup module will be installed on the database hosts. The directory must exist on all hosts.

    • Required: No
    • Default: ORACLE_HOME/lib
    • Scope: Both
  • wallet_location=USE_RECOMMENDED|"<full pathname of backup wallet location>"

    The location of an existing wallet that will be configured as the backup wallet, or if a wallet doesn't exist, the location where a new backup wallet will be created. WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA will be set to the specified location. If USE_RECOMMENDED is specified, the wallet location will be set to the Oracle-recommended value: $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_UNQNAME/wallet.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not alter WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA.
    • Scope: Both

    The following conditions apply to this argument:

    • If -force_update_wallet_loc is not specified in conjunction with this argument, and there is an existing WALLET_LOCATION setting in SQLNET.ORA or an existing default wallet, this argument will be ignored in order to avoid perturbing other database features that use these existing settings.

    • If -force_update_wallet_loc is specified in conjunction with this argument, the wallet creation/usage and WALLET_LOCATION update behavior described above will occur regardless of whether there is an existing default wallet or WALLET_LOCATION setting.

  • force_crs_setenv

    Set the values of the required environment variables in the database Cluster Ready Services (CRS) settings via the SRVCTL command. This argument should be specified if a wallet location using these variables is being configured (as per the above wallet handling description) and these variables are not already set in CRS. This will require a database restart.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not set the environment variables.
    • Scope: Both
  • force_update_wallet_loc

    Set the WALLET_LOCATION parameter in SQLNET.ORA to the value specified by the -wallet_location argument.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not forcibly update WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA.
    • Scope: Both

    The following conditions apply to this argument:

    • This argument should be specified if it is desired to change WALLET_LOCATION to the location specified by the -wallet_location argument. (In the absence of this argument, WALLET_LOCATION will be set only under the conditions described above in the description for the -wallet_location argument.)

    • This option should be used with caution, as it should be verified that the new wallet location will not perturb other database features that may be using an existing wallet.

  • wallet_cred="<named credential containing wallet credentials for a password-protected wallet>"

    Named credential used to create a new password-protected wallet or to update an existing password-protected wallet with the Recovery Appliance virtual private catalog user credentials used to connect to the Recovery Appliance

    • Required: No
    • Default: Create auto-login, non-password-protected wallet or assume existing wallet is not password-protected.
    • Scope: Both
  • ship_redo=YES|NO

    Enable or disable real time redo transport from all specified databases to their respective Recovery Appliances. This argument is only valid when specified with -backup_config=NO_DG. If NO is specified and redo transport is currently enabled for any databases being configured, it will be disabled for those databases.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not alter the current redo transport settings.
    • Scope: Both
  • skip_controlfile_autobackup

    Do not enable RMAN control file autobackup for the databases. (Control file autobackup is recommended to be enabled when backing up to Recovery Appliance. If control file autobackup is already enabled for any databases, that setting is not altered.)

    • Required: No
    • Default: Enable controlfile autobackup.
    • Scope: Both
  • update_snapshot_controlfile_loc

    Configure the database snapshot control file location to the Fast Recovery Area if it is set, or else the same location as the database control file.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not alter the snapshot control file location.
    • Scope: Both
  • parallelism=<# of SBT channels to set in database RMAN settings for Recovery Appliance backups>

    Configure RMAN settings for all databases with the specified number of SBT channels for Recovery Appliance backups. This will result in the specified number of backup pieces being processed in parallel by each backup.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Do not alter the channel settings in the database RMAN settings.
    • Scope: Both
  • force_restart_db

    Restart database(s) after the configuration process, regardless of whether it was required by the configuration steps actually performed. A rolling restart will be performed for Real Application Cluster (RAC) databases. This argument should be used only for individual databases in cases where it is known those databases need to be restarted. Specifying this argument for a recurring procedure will cause all the databases to which it is applied to be restarted in every execution.

    • Required: No
    • Default: If this option is not specified, a rolling restart will be automatically performed only if a configuration operation was performed that requires a restart.
    • Scope: Both
  • skip_configured_dbs

    While processing the databases in the deployment procedure, skip databases that were already configured as protected databases with their respective Recovery Appliances. All such skipped databases will be listed in the deployment procedure Initialization step output. This option is only applicable for group targets. If this option is specified when scheduling a recurring configuration procedure against one or more group targets, databases that were already configured are not needlessly reconfigured in subsequent procedure executions. In this scenario, each recurring execution of the procedure will process only databases that have joined the group since the last execution.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Process all databases in groups.
    • Scope: Command Line Only
  • force_serial_execution

    Run the Enterprise Manager configuration deployment procedure in serial mode, processing one database at a time.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Process all databases in parallel.
    • Scope: Command Line Only
  • schedule

    Schedule the deployment procedure. If this argument is not provided, the procedure will run immediately.

    • Required: No
    • Default: Schedule procedure for immediate execution.
    • Scope: Command Line Only


    • start_time - Time when the procedure has to start execution.

      • Format should be "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"
    • tz - The timezone ID ( optional )

    • frequency - Valid values are once/interval/weekly/monthly/yearly. (optional)

      • If frequency is set to interval then repeat has to be specified.
      • If frequency is set to weekly or monthly, days has to specified.
      • If frequency is set to yearly, both days and months have to specified.
    • repeat - Frequency with which the procedure has to be repeated. ( Required only if frequency is set to interval )
    • days - Comma separated list of days. ( Required only if frequency is weekly, monthly, or yearly )

      • If frequency is weekly, then valid range is 1 to 7
      • If frequency is monthly or yearly, then valid range is 1 to 30
    • months - Comma separated list of months. ( Required only if frequency is yearly )

      • Valid range is 1 to 12.
    • end_time - End time for procedure executions. ( optional )

      • If it is not specified, procedure will run indefinitely.
      • Format should be "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"
    • grace_period - Grace period in minutes( optional )

Example 1

Configure one non-Data Guard single-instance database to send backups to and ship redo to a Recovery Appliance. Use named database and host credentials.

      emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=NO_DG -ra_target_name="Chicago
      ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -target_name="Finance" -target_type="oracle_database"
      -db_cred="DB_USER" -db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" -ship_redo=YES

Example 2

Configure one non-Data Guard cluster database to send backups to a Recovery Appliance without transport redo, download and force installation of the backup module in the Oracle home of each cluster database instance. Use preferred database and host credentials.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=NO_DG ra_target_name="Chicago
      ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -target_name="Finance" -target_type="rac_database"
      -download_backup_module -force_install_backup_module

Example 3

Configure multiple non-Data Guard databases specified in an input file to send backups to and ship redo to a Recovery Appliance and force the installation of the backup module in the Oracle home of each database. Use named database and database host credentials.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=NO_DG -ra_target_name="Chicago
      ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist"  -db_cred="DB_USER" 
      -db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" -ship_redo=YES -force_install_backup_module

Example 4

Configure multiple Data Guard databases specified in an input file to send backups to a Recovery Appliance and force the installation of the backup module in the Oracle home of each database. Use named database and database host credentials. The primary database in the Data Guard configuration must be specified in the input file.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=CUSTOM_DG
      -ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist"
      -db_cred="DB_USER" -db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" -force_install_backup_module

Example 5

Configure multiple non-Data Guard databases specified in a input file to send backups to and ship redo to a Recovery Appliance, but do not force the installation of the backup module. Use global named database and host credentials. Schedule the operation for a future time.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=NO_DG -ra_target_name="Chicago
      ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist" -db_cred="DB_USER"
      -db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" -ship_redo=YES -schedule="start_time:2020/10/28 18:31;tz:PST;"

Example 6

Configure database members of a group target to send backups and redo to a Recovery Appliance. Use preferred credentials for all databases. Schedule the procedure to execute on a daily recurring schedule, and do not process any databases in the group that were already enrolled during previous executions of the procedure (i.e., only databases that have joined the group since the last procedure execution are processed). The first invocation of the command will work on all non-Data Guard databases in the group while the second invocation will work on all Data Guard databases in the group. The primary database in the Data Guard configuration must be a part of the group.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=NO_DG -ra_target_name="Chicago
      ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -target_name="Backup_Group" -target_type=composite
      -ship_redo=YES -skip_configured_dbs -schedule="start_time:2020/10/10 01:00;tz:PST;frequency:interval;repeat:1d"
	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=CUSTOM_DG
      -ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1" -target_name="Backup_Group"
      -target_type=composite  -skip_configured_dbs -schedule="start_time:2020/10/10 04:00;tz:PST;frequency:interval;repeat:1d"

Example 7

Configure multiple non-Data Guard databases with multiple Recovery Appliances using an input file. Provide command line values for database credentials applicable to all databases, and specify that the latest backup module should be downloaded to the software library. Provide per-database values in the input file for backup module install, redo transport, wallet location, and snapshot control file settings.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackuptoRA -backup_config=NO_DG -input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist"
      -db_cred="DB_USER" -download_backup_module

The input file used in this example specifies three databases, two associated with one Recovery Appliance and one associated with a different Recovery Appliance. None of the databases are in a Data Guard configuration. The options vary across the databases as follows:

  • FinanceDB
    • ZDLRA: Montreal ZDLRA
    • VPC user: rauser1
    • Redo transport: Enable.
    • Backup module: Install.
    • Wallet: Use recommended location, force update of WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA.
    • Snapshot control file: Set to shared location.
    • Parallel backup channels: 2
  • SalesDB
    • ZDLRA: Montreal ZDLRA
    • VPC user: rauser2
    • Redo transport: Disable.
    • Backup module: Do not install.
    • Wallet: Use default wallet if databases already configured with default wallet, otherwise set to ZDLRA default location; do not force WALLET_LOCATION update.
  • MarketingDB
    • ZDLRA: Boston ZDLRA
    • VPC user: rauser1
    • Redo transport: Keep existing settings.
    • Backup module: Install.
    • Wallet: Use custom location, force update of WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA.
    • Parallel backup channels: 4

The input file is as follows:

target.0.ra_target_name="Montreal ZDLRA"
target.1.ra_target_name="Montreal ZDLRA"
target.2.ra_target_name="Boston ZDLRA"

Example 8

Configure all databases in one Data Guard configuration to send backups to a Recovery Appliance by specifying the primary database in this Data Guard configuration. Download and force installation of the backup module in the Oracle home of each database instance. Use preferred database and host credentials.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackupToRA -backup_config="ALL_DG"
      -ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" -ra_vpc_username="rauser1"
      -target_name="OrclPrimary" -target_type="oracle_database" -download_backup_module

Example 9

Configure multiple groups of Data Guard databases with multiple Recovery Appliances using an input file that contains multiple group targets. Schedule the procedure to execute on a daily recurring schedule, and do not process any databases in the groups that were already enrolled during previous executions of the procedure (i.e., only databases that have joined the groups since the last procedure execution are processed). Provide command line values specifying that the latest backup module should be installed for all databases. Provide per-database values in the input file for database credentials, redo transport, wallet location, and snapshot control file settings.

	emcli configure_db_ha -configureBackupToRA -backup_config="CUSTOM_DG"
      -input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist" -skip_configured_dbs -download_backup_module -force_install_backup_module
      -schedule="start_time:2020/10/10 01:00;tz:PST;frequency:interval;repeat:1d"

Multiple Data Guard configuration databases are involved in the groups specfied in this input list. Group membership for these Data Guard databases is shown below. Data Guard databases in groups G1, G2 and G3 will be configured when this command is run with the input file shown. Data Guard databases that are standalone or in a group not included in the input file are not configured. DGConfiguration4 databases are all ignored since the primary database in this configuration is not present in one of the groups specified in the input file.

  • DGConfiguration1
    • Primary DB: ORCL12 - Group G1
    • Standby DB: ORCL12Stby - Group G2
    • Standby DB: ORCLStby2 - Group G3
    • Standby DB: ORCLStby3 - standalone
  • DGConfiguration2
    • Primary DB: DB19 - Group G1
    • Standby DB: DB19Stby - Group G1
    • Standby DB: DB19Stby2 - Group G2
  • DGConfiguration3
    • Primary DB: DBx - Group G2
    • Standby DB: DBxStby - Group G1
    • Standby DB: DBxStby2 - Group G3
    • Standby DB: DBxStby3 - Group G4
  • DGConfiguration4
    • Primary DB: DB18 - Group G4
    • Standby DB: DB19Stby - Group G1
    • Standby DB: DB19Stby2 - Group G2

The input file used in this example specifies three groups, each associated with a different Recovery Appliance. Each group is also associated with a specific set of parameter values. The options vary across the groups as follows:

  • Group G1
    • ZDLRA: Montreal ZDLRA
    • VPC user: rauser1
    • Wallet: Use recommended location, force update of WALLET_LOCATION in SQLNET.ORA.
    • Snapshot control file: Set to shared location.
    • Parallel backup channels: 2
  • Group G2
    • ZDLRA: Boston ZDLRA
    • VPC user: rauser1
  • Group G3
    • ZDLRA: Barcelona ZDLRA
    • VPC user: rauser2
    • Wallet Use recommended location

The input file is as follows:

target.0.ra_target_name="Montreal ZDLRA"
target.1.ra_target_name="Boston ZDLRA"
target.2.ra_target_name="Barcelona ZDLRA"

configure_db_ha -configureRABackup


The configureRABackup sub-command will be deprecated soon. Use the sub-command configureBackupToRA to perform this task.
Configures one or more databases to be protected by a Recovery Appliance, with the ability to send backups and redo to the Recovery Appliance. If necessary, installs the Recovery Appliance Backup Module in the database Oracle homes. (The specified databases must be already enrolled with the Recovery Appliance as protected databases.)


Databases specified here must be enrolled as protected databases with the Recovery Appliance.


emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup
		–ra_target_name="<Recovery Appliance target name>"
		–ra_user="<Recovery Appliance database user name>"
		 (–target_name="<database target name>" –target_type="oracle_database|rac_database") 
		 | input_file="target_list:<full pathname of input file>"

		[–db_cred="<database named credential>"]
		[–db_host_cred="<database host named credential>"]
		[–staging_directory=”<full pathname where Backup Module will be staged on database hosts>”]
				start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;           
   				tz:{java timezone ID};                                
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • ra_target_name

    The target name of the Recovery Appliance that the specified databases will be configured to send backups to.

  • ra_user

    The Recovery Appliance database user that will be used by all the specified databases to send backups and redo to the Recovery Appliance. This must be a virtual private catalog user, not the Recovery Appliance administrator user.

  • target_name

    The target name of a single-instance or cluster database that will be configured to send backups to the Recovery Appliance. A multi-database operation can be performed by using the –input_file option instead of –target_name/–target_type.

  • target_type

    The type of the target specified by –target_name, either a single–instance database (oracle_database) or a cluster database (rac_database).

  • input_file

    The input file that contains information for each database that is to be configured. This option is an alternative to -target_name/-target_type. The target_name and target_type lines are required for each database. The db_cred and db_host_cred lines are optional; if these are present for a database, they override the command-line named credential settings (if any) for that database. The format of the file is as follows:
    target.0.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.0.db_cred=<database named credential for database #1>
    target.0.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #1>
    target.1.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.1.db_cred=<database named credential for database #2>
    target.1.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #2>
  • db_cred

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database named credential that can be used to connect to all the specified target databases. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • db_host_cred

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database host credential that has been created against the Database Instance or Cluster Database target type, (rather than the Host target type) that can be used to run operating system commands on the specified target database hosts. The credential should be for a user that has write permission for all Oracle Homes. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • enable_redo_ship

    Enables real-time redo transport to the Recovery Appliance from all specified target databases.

  • force_backup_module_install

    Installs the version of the Recovery Appliance Backup Module stored in the Enterprise Manager Software Library into the Oracle Homes of the specified target databases, even if an existing Backup Module has already been installed in the Oracle Homes. Since this option overwrites any existing Backup Module, select this option only if the Backup Module version in the Software Library is at the same or later version than the version installed on all the specified target databases. If this flag is not specified, the Backup Module will be installed only if there is no existing Backup Module present in the Oracle Home.

  • staging_directory

    The directory where the Backup Module installation files will be staged on the database hosts. This directory must exist on all hosts. A temporary subdirectory will be created in this location, then deleted after the installation of the Backup Module and/or file system backup agent is complete. The default directory is <Agent installation root>/EMStage.

  • schedule

    Schedules the customized backup deployment procedure. If schedule option is not provided, the procedure will run immediately.
    • start_time: Time when the procedure has to start execution. The format should be \"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm\"

    • tz: The timezone ID (optional)

Example 1

The following example configures a single-instance database “Finance” to send backups and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA”. It does not install the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each database if the Backup Module is already present. This example uses named database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup –ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
	–ra_user="rauser1" –target_name="Finance" –target_type="oracle_database" 
	–db_cred="DB_USER" –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –enable_redo_ship                     

Example 2

The following example configures a cluster database “Finance” to send backups to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA” without shipping redo. It performs a forced installation of the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each cluster database instance. This example uses preferred database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup -ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
	–ra_user="rauser1" –target_name="Finance" –target_type="rac_database" 

Example 3

The following example configures multiple databases specified in the input file “/tmp/dblist” to send backups and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA”. It performs a forced installation of the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each database. The backup module installation files are staged in a custom directory location (/tmp/stage). This example uses named database and database host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup –ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
	–ra_user="rauser1" –input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist" 
	-db_cred="NC_PDB_SYSDBA" –db_cred=”DB_USER” 
	–db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –enable_redo_ship 
	–force_backup_module_install –staging_directory=”/tmp/stage"

Example 4

The following example configures the databases specified in the input file “/tmp/dblist” to send backups and ship redo to the Recovery Appliance “Chicago ZDLRA”. It does not install the Backup Module if it is already present . The example uses global named database and host credentials. The operation is scheduled for a future time as specified:

emcli configure_db_ha –configureRABackup –ra_target_name="Chicago ZDLRA" 
–ra_user="rauser1"  –input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist"
–db_cred="DB_USER" –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –enable_redo_ship 
-schedule="start_time:2016/06/28 18:31;tz:PST;"

configure_db_ha -configureCloudBackup

Configures one or more databases to send backups to Database Backup Cloud Service. If necessary, installs the Database Cloud Backup Module in the database Oracle homes.


emcli configure_db_ha –configureCloudBackup
	 (–target_name="<database target name>" –target_type="oracle_database|rac_database")
	 | input_file="target_list:<full pathname of input file>"
	[–cloud_account="<Database Backup Cloud Service account name>"]   
	[–db_cred="<database named credential>"]     
	[–db_host_cred="<database host named credential>"]
	[–staging_directory=”<full pathname where Backup Module will be staged on database host>"]
		 start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;
		 tz:{java timezone ID};              
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • target_name

    The target name of a single-instance or cluster database. A multi-database operation can be performed by using the –input_file option instead of –target_name/–target_type.

  • target_type

    The type of the target specified by –target_name, either a single–instance database (oracle_database) or a cluster database (rac_database).

  • input_file

    The file containing the information for each database that is to be configured. This option is an alternative to –target_name/–target_type. The target_name and target_type lines are required for each database. The db_cred and db_host_cred lines are optional; if these are present for a database, they override the command-line named credential settings (if any) for that database. The format of the file is as follows:

    target.0.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.0.db_cred=<database named credential for database #1>
    target.0.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #1>
    target.1.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.1.db_cred=<database named credential for database #2>
    target.1.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #2> 
  • cloud_account

    The name of a cloud account configured under the Enterprise Manager Hybrid Cloud Setup console. All the information that is needed to connect to the Backup Service will be obtained from this account and its associated Backup Service settings, including the service name, identity domain, username, password, and container (optional). If this argument is not specified, the global cloud account settings configured in the Database Backup Cloud Service Settings page will be used. (This argument is applicable only if the Hybrid Cloud Setup console has been used to configure accounts and Backup Service settings).

  • db_cred

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database named credential that can be used to connect to all the specified target databases. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • db_host_cred

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database host credential that has been created against the Database Instance or Cluster Database target type, (rather than the Host target type) that can be used to run operating system commands on the specified target database hosts. The credential should be for a user that has write permission for all Oracle Homes. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • force_backup_module_install

    Install the version of the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module stored in the Enterprise Manager Software Library into the Oracle Homes of the specified target databases, even if an existing Backup Module has already been installed in the Oracle Homes. Since this option overwrites any existing Backup Module, select this option only if the Backup Module version in the Software Library is at the same or later version than the version installed on all the specified target databases. If this flag is not specified, the Backup Module will be installed only if there is no existing Backup Module present in the Oracle Home.

  • staging_directory

    The directory where the Backup Module installation files will be staged on the database hosts. This directory must exist on all hosts. A temporary subdirectory will be created in this location, then deleted after the installation of the Backup Module and/or file system backup agent is complete. The default directory is <Agent installation root>/EMStage.

  • schedule

    Schedules the customized backup deployment procedure. If schedule option is not provided, the procedure will run immediately.
    • start_time: Time when the procedure has to start execution. The format should be "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"

    • tz: The timezone ID (optional)

Example 1

The following example configures a single-instance database “Finance” to send backups to Database Backup Cloud Service. It does not install the Backup Module if the module is already installed. This example uses named database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureCloudBackup
	–target_name="Finance" –target_type="oracle_database"
	–db_cred="DB_USER" –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER"

Example 2

The following example configures a cluster database “Finance” to send backups to Database Backup Cloud Service. It performs a forced installation of the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each cluster database instance. This example uses preferred database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureCloudBackup
	–target_name="Finance" –target_type="rac_database" 

Example 3

The following example configures the databases specified in the input file “/tmp/dblist” to send backups to Database Backup Cloud Service. It performs a forced installation of the Backup Module in the Oracle Home of each database. The backup module installation files are staged in a custom directory location (/tmp/stage). This example uses named database and database host credentials.

	emcli configure_db_ha –configureCloudBackup 
	-db_cred=”DB_USER” –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" –force_backup_module_install 

configure_db_ha -installSoftware

Installs the Recovery Manager (RMAN) backup module in the Oracle Homes or installs the Recovery Appliance file system backup agent on the hosts of one or more databases.


emcli configure_db_ha –installSoftware
	 (–target_name="<database target name>" –target_type="oracle_database|rac_database")
	 | input_file="target_list:<full pathname of input file>"
	 (–install_backup_module –module_type=”ra|cloud” [–force_backup_module_install]
	 [–db_host_cred="<database host named credential>"])
	 | (–install_fs_agent [–fs_agent_host_cred=”<host named credential>”]
	 [–fs_agent_install_directory=”<full pathname of OSB client installation directory>”])
	[–staging_directory=”<full pathname where Backup Module and file system backup agent installation will be staged on database hosts>”]
		 start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;               
		 tz:{java timezone ID};                                     

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.          


  • target_name

    The target name of a single-instance or cluster database that is configured to send backups to a Recovery Appliance or Oracle Cloud. You can perform a multi-database operation by using the –input_file option instead of –target_name/–target_type.

  • target_type

    The type of the target specified by –target_name, either a single–instance database (oracle_database) or a cluster database (rac_database).

  • input_file

    The input file that contains information for each database that is configured. This option is an alternative to –target_name/–target_type. The target_name and target_type lines are required for each database. The db_cred and db_host_cred lines are optional; if these are present for a database, they override the command-line named credential settings (if any) for that database. The following format is used while installing a backup module with the –install_backup_module option:

    target.0.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.0.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #1>
    target.1.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.1.db_host_cred=<database host named credential for database #2>
    The following format is used while installing the file system backup agent with the install_fs_backup_agent:
    target.0.target_name=<database #1 target name>
    target.0.fs_agent_host_cred=<host named credential for the host(s) of database #1>
    target.1.target_name=<databse #1 target name>
    target.1.fs_agent_host_cred=<host named credential for the host(s) of database #2>
  • install_backup_module

    Installs the version of the Backup Module (of the type specified by the –module_type argument) stored in the Enterprise Manager software library in the Oracle Homes of the specified target databases. By default, the module will be installed if there is no existing module in the database Oracle Home, unless the –force_backup_module_install flag is specified. This module cannot be specified in combination with –install_osb_client.

  • module_type

    The type of RMAN backup module to be installed. The possible values are: ra – Recovery Appliance Backup Module and cloud – Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module

  • force_backup_module_install

    Installs a version of the Recovery Appliance Backup Module stored in the Enterprise Manager Software Library into the Oracle Homes of the specified target databases, even if an existing Backup Module has already been installed in the Oracle Homes. Since this option overwrites any existing Backup Module, select this option only if the Backup Module version in the Software Library is at the same or later version than the version installed on all the specified target databases. If this flag is not specified, the Backup Module will be installed only if there is no existing Backup Module present in the Oracle Home.

  • db_host_cred

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager database host credential that has been created against the Database Instance or Cluster Database target type, (rather than the Host target type) that can be used to run operating system commands on the specified target database hosts. The credential should be for a user that has write permission for all Oracle Homes. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials will be used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.


    If the -input_file option is used, this option can be optionally overridden for individual databases.
  • install_fs_backup_agent

    Installs the file system backup agent on all hosts of the specified target databases.

  • fs_agent_host_cred

    The name of an existing Enterprise Manager host privileged named credential (not a database host credential) that can be used to perform the file system backup agent installation on all the hosts of the specified target databases. The credential should specify the root user or a user with root privilege delegation. If this argument is not specified, preferred credentials for the host targets associated with the databases is used. If multiple databases are specified, this should be a global named credential.

  • fs_agent_install_directory

    The directory where the file system backup agent is installed on all database hosts. The directory must exist on all the hosts. The default directory is /usr/local/oracle/backup.

  • staging_directory

    The full place-name where Backup Module and file system backup agent installation will be staged on database hosts.

  • schedule

    Schedules the customized backup deployment procedure. If schedule option is not provided, the procedure will run immediately.
    • start_time: Time when the procedure has to start execution. The format should be "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"

    • tz: The timezone ID (optional)

Example 1

The following example installs the Recovery Appliance Backup in the Oracle Home of one single-instance database “Finance”. It does not install the Backup Module if the module is already installed. This example uses named database and host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –installSoftware
	–target_name="Finance" –target_type="oracle_database" –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER"
	-install_backup_module –module_type=”ra”

Example 2

The following example installs the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module in the Oracle Home of one RAC database “Finance”. It performs a forced installation if the module is already installed. This example uses named database host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –installSoftware
	–target_name="Finance" –target_type="rac_database"
	–install_backup_module –module_type=”cloud” –force_backup_module_install –db_host_cred="DB_HOST_USER" 

Example 3

The following example installs the Recovery Appliance file system backup agent on all cluster database nodes of one cluster database “Finance” in a non-default location. This example uses privileged host credentials:

	emcli configure_db_ha –installSoftware 
	–target_name="Finance" –target_type="rac_database"
	–install_osb_client –osb_install_directory=”/usr/local/osb12”

Example 4

The following example installs the Recovery Appliance Backup Module in the Oracle Homes of multiple databases specified in the input file “/tmp/dblist”. It performs a forced installation if the module is already installed. This example uses preferred database host credentials. The operation scheduled for a future time as specified:

	emcli configure_db_ha –installSoftware
	–input_file="target_list:/tmp/dblist" –install_backup_module 
	–module_type=”ra” -force_backup_module_install
	-schedule="start_time:2016/06/28 18:31;tz:PST;" 

Example 5

The following example installs the Recovery Appliance file system backup agent on all hosts of multiple databases specified in an input file in the default location. This example uses preferred privileged host credentials. The file system backup agent installation files are staged in a custom staging area location:

	emcli configure_db_ha –installSoftware
	-install_fs_backup_agent -staging_director="tmp/stage"

configure_db_ha -uploadFSBackupAgentInstall

Uploads Recovery Appliance file system backup agent installation media into the Enterprise Manager Software Library. This installation media is used by the -installSoftware subcommand when it is run with the -install_fs_backup_agent option to push a file system backup agent installation to one or more hosts. Separate software library components will be created according to the platform of the uploaded installation media.


-media_location="<pathname of installation media zip file>"
  • media_location

    The local path-name of the file system backup agent installation media zip file.


Uploads the Recovery Appliance file system backup agent installation media for the Linux 64 platform:
emcli configure_db_ha -uploadFSBackupAgentInstall

configure_db_ha -uploadBackupModule

Uploads Cloud or Recovery Appliance Backup Modules into the Enterprise Manager Software Library. Separate software library components will be created according to the platform of the uploaded Backup Module.


emcli configure_db_ha -uploadBackupModule 
		-module_location="<comma separated list of pathnames of Backup Module zip files>"


  • module_location

    <comma separated list of pathnames of Backup Module zip files>
    The list of local pathname of the Backup Module zip file.
  • module_type

    The type of RMAN backup module to be uploaded. The possible values: ra: Recovery Appliance Backup Module and cloud: Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module.

Example 1

The following example uploads the Cloud Backup Module for multiple platforms:

emcli configure_db_ha -uploadBackupModule -module_type="cloud" 

Example 2

The following example uploads the Recovery Appliance Backup Module for the Linux 64 platform:

emcli configure_db_ha -uploadBackupModule -module_type="ra"