
Creates a custom plug-in update using a plug-in that is already deployed to a Management Agent. Includes all of the patches that were applied to the source plug-in. Use this in place of Oracle-supplied plug-in versions for all subsequent plug-in deployments on any Management Agent.


emcli create_custom_plugin_update 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • agent_name

    Management Agent (host:port) on which the plug-in and its patches are deployed.

  • plugin_id

    ID of the plug-in that should be used for creating the custom plug-in update. To view a list of plug-ins deployed on a Management Agent, run 'emcli list_plugins_on_agent'.

  • overwrite

    Overwrites and updates an existing custom plug-in update, if a custom plug-in update already exists for that plug-in in the repository. If not provided, the new custom plug-in update is not created for that plug-in. Applies only for subsequent plug-in deployments. Does not automatically redeploy on the Management Agents where the source plug-in was previously deployed. To redeploy on such Management Agents, run 'emcli redeploy_plugin_on_agent'.


Example 1

The following example creates a custom plug-in update for the oracle.sysman.db plug-in that is already deployed on the Management Agent named If a custom plug-in update already exists for the oracle.sysman.db plug-in, then the command does not overwrite it, and therefore, does not create a new custom plug-in update.

emcli create_custom_plugin_update

Example 2

The following example creates a custom plug-in update for the oracle.sysman.db plug-in, which is already deployed on the Management Agent named, by overwriting and updating the custom plug-in update that already exists for the oracle.sysman.db plug-in in the repository.

emcli create_custom_plugin_update 