
Creates a Management Agent gold image using the specified source Management Agent or by importing an already created image from another Enterprise Management System.


emcli create_gold_agent_image
        [-config_properties= " agent_configuration_properties"] 
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. 


  • image_name

    Specifies the gold image name to which the created Management Agent gold image must be added.

  • version_name

    Specifies the version name of the Management Agent gold image.

  • source_agent

    Specifies the Management Agent that must be used as the source to create the Management Agent gold image. To view a list of the Management Agents that can be used as a source to create a gold image, run emcli get_targets -target="oracle_emd".

  • import_location

    Specifies the location where gold agent image software is staged for creating the gold agent image version and is accessible from all OMSes.

  • gold_image_description

    Provides a description of the Management Agent gold image.

  • working_directory

    Specifies the working directory that must be used to create the Management Agent gold image. The default working directory is $AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME/install.

  • config_properties

    Specifies the Management Agent configuration properties separated by ";" that must be captured while creating the Management Agent gold image.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1

The following example creates a Management Agent gold image OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13, using as the source Management Agent, and adds the gold image version to the gold image OPC_DB_MONITORING:

emcli create_gold_agent_image 
        -version_name=OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 -image_name=OPC_DB_MONITORING 

Example 2

The following example creates a Management Agent gold image OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13, using as the source Management Agent, /tmp as the working directory, and adds the gold image version to the gold image OPC_DB_MONITORING:

emcli create_gold_agent_image 
        -version_name=OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 -image_name=OPC_DB_MONITORING -working_directory=/tmp