
Creates an organizational entity, which can be either a department or a line-of-business. A department is typically a division within an organization that refers to a specific responsibility. A line-of-business, or LOB, generally describes the products or services offered by a business.

You can also create cost centers when creating an organizational entity. A cost center is the smallest segment of an organization for which costs can be collected and reported.

Standard Mode

emcli create_organizational_entity
      -entity_name="entity name"
      -entity_type="entity type"
      [-parent_entity_name="parent entity name"]
      [-tenant_name="tenant name"]
      [-cost_centers="cost centers"[;"cost centers"...]]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.

Interactive or Script Mode

      (entity_name="entity name"
      [,parent_entity_name="parent entity name"]
      [,tenant_name="tenant name"]
      [,cost_centers="cost centers"[;"cost centers"...]]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • entity_name

    Name of the organizational entity to be created.

  • entity_type

    Type of entity to be created. Value is either department or lob.

  • parent_entity_name

    Specifies a parent of the organizational entity being created. The parent must already exist and can be either a department or LOB, regardless of the type being created. Default is no parent.

  • tenant_name

    Specifies the name of the tenant to which the organizational entity being created belongs. Default is the tenant of the logged-in user.

  • cost_centers

    Specifies one or more cost centers to create and associate with the organizational entity being created. Default is no cost centers. You can create cost centers and associate them independently, using the create_cost_centers verb.

  • separator

    Overrides the separator for multi-value input arguments, which is a semicolon (;). For information about overriding the separator or subseparator, see "Overriding the Separator and Subseparator".

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1

The following example creates a department named finance with three cost centers, C1, C2, C3.

emcli create_organizational_entity

Example 2

The following example creates a department named finance with three cost centers, C1, C2, C3, where the separator is changed to a comma (,).

emcli create_organizational_entity