
Defines a redundancy group name and its members. After you create the redundancy group, you can edit it from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console to configure charts to be displayed for redundancy group members.


emcli create_red_group

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the redundancy group.

  • type

    Redundancy group type. Defaults to generic_redundancy_group.

  • add_targets

    Add existing targets to the redundancy group. Each target is specified as a name-value pair target_name:target_type. You can specify this option more than once.

  • owner

    Owner of the redundancy group.

  • timezone_region

    Time zone region of this redundancy group.


This example creates a redundancy group named lsnr_group. This group consists of two Oracle listeners: emp_rec and payroll.

emcli create_red_group -name=lsnr_group