
Creates a session to migrate user-defined metrics (UDMs) to metric extensions for targets.


emcli create_udmmig_session
      {-target=<type:name_of_target_to_migrate> }* 
      | {-input_file=targetList:<complete_path_to_file>};
         {-template=<template_name_to_update> }* 
      | {-input_file=templateList:<complete_path_to_file>}

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the migration session to be created.

  • desc

    Description of the migration session to be created.

  • udm_choice

    Specify if the session should migrate specific UDMs. Otherwise, all UDMs are migrated.

  • target

    The type:name of the target to be updated. You can specify multiple values.

  • input_file=targetList

    Specify a file name that contains a list of targets, one per line, in the following format:


    For more information about the input_file parameter see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • template

    Name of the monitoring template to update. You can specify multiple values.

  • input_file=templateList

    Specify a file name that contains a list of templates, one name per line.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • allUdms

    Forces the session to contain all UDMs from targets and templates. (The default behavior just selects those not in a session.)


Example 1

This example creates a new session named hostsession that migrates the UDM hostudm on the target testhost.

emcli create_udmmig_session 
      -name=hostsession -desc="Convert UDMs for Host Target"  
      -udm_choice=hostudm -target=host:testhost

Example 2

This example creates a new session named hostsession that migrates all the unconverted UDMs on the target testhost that are not in a session.

emcli create_udmmig_session 
      -name=hostsession -desc="Convert UDMs for Host Target"
      -target=host:testhost -allUdms