
Transfers data from source to target.


emcli data_transfer        -inputFile="File containing properties required for transferring data"


  • inputFile

    Location of file containing properties required for transferring data. The mandatory properties required for this job are:

    SOURCE_LOCATION = Location of the data at the source host.

    SRC_HOST = Source host containing the data.

    SRC_HOST_CREDS = Credentials for the host on which the data is located. If the source host is on OPC, this should be Host SSH Credentials.

    DEST_HOST = Destination host where the data should be copied to.

    DEST_HOST_CREDS = Credentials for the host where the data will be copied to. If the destination host is on OPC, this should be Host SSH Credentials.

    DEST_LOCATION = Location on the destination host where the data should be copied.


The following example transfers data from the source to the target contained in the data_transfer.props file:

emcli data_transfer 