
Deletes one or more open incidents based on the provided IDs, up to a maximum of 20 incidents. This removes any association with the underlying events and annotates them accordingly. Incident deletion does not remove the actual underlying events: These events will remain open.

Privilege Requirements: Only users with Manage Incident privilege can delete the incident.By default, incidents that have workflow attributes (such as Escalation, Priority, Resolution Status, Acknowledgement, Owner Assignment, or Suppression) set to non-default values will not be deleted unless the -force option is used.Closed incidents, diagnostic (ADR) incidents, and incidents with tickets created cannot be deleted.The status of each incident deletion is displayed upon command execution.


emcli delete_incident_record
-incident_number_list="Comma-separated list of incident numbers"

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • incident_number_list

    Comma-separated list of incident numbers (up to 20) to be deleted.

  • force

    Deletes incidents without checking for their non-default workflow values.

  • preview

    Displays whether or not specified incidents (by incident number) can be deleted.


Example 1

This example displays whether or not incidents 173, 1886, 32, 5, and 853 can be deleted.

The command output is shown below.

emcli delete_incident_record -incident_number_list="173,1886,32,5,853" -preview

=> Incident 173 can be deleted. 
=> Incident 1886 can only be deleted using the -force option, as one or more incident workflow attributes have been been used.
=> Incident 32 cannot be deleted because there is ticket attached with the incident.
=> Incident 5 cannot be deleted because user AdminX does not have at least a manage incident privilege. 
=> Incident 853 can be deleted. 

Example 2

This example deletes incidents 178, 1886, and 853 without checking for non-default incident workflow values. The command output is shown below.

emcli delete_incident_record -incident_number_list="173,1886,853" -force


=> Incident 173 has been successfully deleted. 
=> Incident 1886 has been successfully deleted.
=> Incident 853 has been successfully deleted.