
Deletes a promoted metric.


emcli delete_metric_promotion

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the service target.

  • type

    Name of the service type.

  • category

    Defines whether the promoted metric is a usage or a performance metric of a service. This determines the promoted metric name and metric column. If you do not specify this, you must specify the promotedMetricName and promotedMetricColumn.

  • promotedMetricName

    Promoted metric name. This is optional if you specify the category .

  • promotedMetricColumn

    Promoted metric column. This is optional if you specify the category .

  • promotedMetricKey

    Determines the key value of the promoted metric. It is equivalent to the displayed name of the promoted metric in the user interface.


This example deletes the promoted performance metric with the key value mymetric1 on the service MyTarget.

emcli delete_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -category=Performance -promotedMetricKey=mymetric1