
Deletes an existing resolution state. You typically use this command for resolution states that are no longer used. You need to also specify an alternative resolution state in case there are any references to the state. In this case, the references are changed to this alternative state. This action might require some time.

Only a super administrator can execute this command. A success message is reported if the command is successful. An error message is reported if the deletion fails.


No notifications are sent for any incidents or problems updated in this process.


emcli delete_resolution_state
      -label="label of the state to be deleted"
      -alt_res_state_label="alternative resolution state"


  • label

    Label of the state to be deleted.

  • alt_res_state_label

    Alternative state to be used.


This example deletes the resolution state "Waiting for SR" and replaces any references to this state with the state "Work in Progress".

emcli delete_resolution_state  -label="Waiting for SR" -alt_res_state_label="Work in Progress"