
Deletes a saved target configuration.


emcli delete_saved_onetimecomparison
      -name="saved config name" 
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. 


  • name

    The name of the saved configuration to delete.

  • target_type

    The target type of the configuration to delete. The value should be the internal name. This option is not mandatory.

  • target_name

    The name of the target of the configuration to delete. This option is not mandatory.


Example 1

The following command delete the saved configuration with the name "saved config name":

emcli delete_saved_onetimecomparison 
      -name="saved config name" 

Example 2

The following command deletes the saved configuration for host target type with the name "test_host":

emcli delete_saved_onetimecomparison 