
Deletes a specified target from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control monitoring framework. Deleting a target removes it from the Management Repository and does not physically remove the target itself.

You can use the get_targets verb to obtain a list of available targets and their respective types.


emcli delete_target

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Target name.

  • type

    Target type.

  • delete_monitored_targets

    Deletes the targets monitored by the specified Management Agent. This is only applicable with the oracle_emd target type.

  • async

    Deletes the target asynchronously.

  • delete_members

    Deletes all the members of the target as well.


Example 1

This example deletes the Agent named and all of its monitored targets. The Agent must be marked UNREACHABLE in Enterprise Manger Cloud Control to perform this operation.

emcli delete_target

Example 2

This example deletes the example_ias_farm target with the name "farm01_base_domain" and all of its members, such as domain, clusters, servers, application deployments, and so forth.

emcli delete_target