
Deploys Self Update Enterprise Manager reports to the BI Publisher catalog. To deploy all reports in a folder, specify the -folder option. To deploy a single report, use the -folder and -report options. To deploy all Self Update reports, use the -all option.

The deploy operation will not overwrite existing BI Publisher reports in the BI Publisher catalog unless the -force option is given.


emcli deploy_bipublisher_selfupdates
    -all | (-folder=<folder> [-report=<reportname>]) 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • force

    Overwrites any existing reports in the BI Publisher catalog with the copy being deployed.

  • all

    Deploys all Self Update reports.

  • folder

    Limits the reports deployed to the specified folder. By default, all reports in the folder are deployed unless the -report option is also specified.

  • report

    Deploys a single, specified report. The -folder parameter must be specified when using the -report parameter.


Example 1

The following example deploys all Self Update reports to the Compliance Reports folder:

emcli deploy_bipublisher_selfupdates -folder="Compliance Reports"

Example 2

The following example deploys only the Self Update report named Consolidation Report located in the Compliance Reports folder and overwrites any existing report.

 emcli deploy_bipublisher_selfupdates -force -folder="Compliance Reports" -report="Consolidation Report"