
Describes the job type and gets its properties. The output can be redirected into a file.

This verb dumps out a properties file for a job type that supports the Job System Generic EM CLI. This file contains some documentation, a list of all required credential usages, and a list of all variables required to create a (library) job instance of the job type.

This verb support multi-task jobs.


emcli describe_job_type

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • job_type

    Specify the name of the job type to describe. You can use the get_job_types verb to obtain the names of all job types for which a job or library jobs can be created using EM CLI.

  • verbose

    Outputs a help template along with the properties.


Example 1

This example produces a property file on the console, which can be redirected to a file and used multiple times.

emcli describe_job_type -job_type=OSCommand

# Job Type: OSCommand.
# This job type supports the following target types only :
# Variable: args
# Description: Options of the command to run on the target
# Variable: command
# Description: Command to run on the target
# Credential Usage: defaultHostCred
# Description: 

Example 2

This example with the verbose option generates a property dump with help on how to specify each individual property for the job.

emcli describe_job_type -job_type=OSCommand -verbose

# Job Type: OSCommand.
# This job type supports the following target types only :
# Target List. 
# In a target list, each member is specified using the target name and target type # in the fashion:
#    target_name:target_type
# To specify an element of the target list, the following notation is used:
#    job_target_list.1=target_name:target_type
# The suffix "1" after the key word "job_target_list" signifies that the entry is # for the first element.
# The target target_name:target_type should exists in EM.
# Permissible target types are: 
# A sample target list could be: 
# job_target_list.1=<target_name>:host
# job_target_list.2=<target_name>:host
# The target list can only contain targets of the same target type. A cluster, 
# group, domain or system 
# target must not be intermixed with targets of the other target types.

# Variable List. 
# In a variable list, each member is specified in the following way: 
# Scalar variable: A variable whose value can be represented as a single string.
#    variable.variable_name=variable_value
# Here "variable" is a keyword. Variable name is the name of the variable whose 
# value is being specified.
# Value is specified on the right hand side after the equal to sign.
# Vector variable: A variable whose value is represented as an array or list of 
# string values.
#    variable.variable_name.1=value1
#    variable.variable_name.2=value2
# Here the numbers suffixing the variable name signify the entry number in the 
# list.
# Large variable: A variable whose value is exceptionally large. Syntax is similar # to a scalar variable.
#    variable.large_variable_name=a_very_very_big_value
# Credential List. 
# This is the list of credential usages declared by the job type. 
# Each entry takes the form: 
#    cred.credusage_name.target_details=cred_type:cred_details
# Here the prefix "cred" is a keyword signifying that this line represents a 
# credential entry.
# "credusage_name" would be substituted with the name of the credential usage 
# declared in the job type.
# This is followed by the target details, which take the following form:
#    target_name:target_type
# The value for this credential usage entry is specified using the type of the 
# credential and its details.
# "cred_type" can take either "SET" or "NAMED" as its value, depending on whether # the credential is a credential set or a named credential.
# "cred_details" can specify either the name of a credential set or the name of a # named credential based on the "cred_type"
# A sample entry for a target target1:host for credential usage defaultHostCred 
# for a credential set could look like:
#    cred.defaultHostCred.target1:host=SET:HostCredsNormal
# A sample entry for a target target1:host for credential usage defaultHostCred 
# for a named credential could look like:
#    cred.defaultHostCred.target1:host=NAMED:MyNamedCredential
# A sample entry for a target target1:host for credential usage defaultHostCred 
# for a named credential shared by EM Admin "admin1" could look like:
#    cred.defaultHostCred.target1:host=NAMED:admin1:MyNamedCredential
# Schedule.
# Specify a schedule for the job. Detailed instructions as per below:
# Frequency: Specifies the frequency of repeatedly submitting instances of this 
# job.
#    scheule.frequency=Frequency_Type
# Frequency type could be either of IMMEDIATE, ONCE, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, 
# If frequency is IMMEDIATE, then other schedule fields do not matter.
# Start Time: Start time for the schedule.
#    scheule.startTime=MM-DD-YYYY
# End Time: End time for the schedule.
#    scheule.endTime=MM-DD-YYYY
# Grace Period: Grace period in minutes for the schedule.
#    scheule.graceperiod=
# Months : Months for repetition. January is denoted by 0 and December by 11
#    schedule.months=0,1,2
# Days: Days of the week for repetition. Sunday is denoted by 0 and Saturday by 6.
#    schedule.days=0,1,2
# Timezone: Timezone information is further detailed into type, target index, zone # offset and region.
#    schedule.timezone.type: either of TIMEZONE_TARGET, TIMEZONE_SPECIFIED, 
#    schedule.timezone.targetIndex : specify the index of the target whose 
# timezone is to be used.
#    schedule.timezone.zoneOffset : timezone offset.
#    schedule.timezone.region : timezone region
# Following is a complete schedule section, remove #  and populate the values for # submission:
# scheule.frequency=ONCE
# schedule.startTime=12-21-2012
# schedule.endTime=12-21-2012
# schedule.gracePeriod=10
# schedule.months=
# schedule.days=
# schedule.timezone.type=TIMEZONE_TARGET
# schedule.timezone.targetIndex=1
# schedule.timezone.zoneOffset=
# schedule.timezone.region=
# Variable: args
# Description: Options of the command to run on the target
# Variable: command
# Description: Command to run on the target
# Credential Usage: defaultHostCred
# Description: 