
Removes a standby database from a Data Guard configuration.


emcli dg_remove_standby_database
	-primary_target_name="<primary target name>"
	-standby_target_name="<standby target name>"
	[-primary_db_creds_name="<primary database credential name>"]
	[-primary_host_creds_name="<primary database host credential name>"] 
	[-standby_db_creds_name="<standby database credential name>"]
	[-standby_host_creds_name="<standby database host credential name>"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • primary_target_name

    Primary database Enterprise Manager target name. This can be either a single-instance database or a cluster database.

  • primary_target_type

    Primary database target type. The following values are allowed:

    • oracle_database: Single instance database

    • rac_database: Cluster database

  • standby_target_name

    Standby database Enterprise Manager target name. This can be either a single-instance database or a cluster database.

  • standby_target_type

    Standby database target type. The following values are allowed:
    • oracle_database: Single instance database

    • rac_database: Cluster database

  • primary_db_creds_name

    Primary database named credential for a user with SYSDBA or SYSDG role. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • primary_host_creds_name

    Primary database host named credential for an operating system user who can access the primary database Oracle home. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • standby_db_creds_name

    Standby database named credential for a user with SYSDBA or SYSDG role. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • standby_host_creds_name

    Standby database host named credential for an operating system user who can access the standby database Oracle home. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • preserve_redo_dests

    Preserve the archived log destination configured on the primary database for this standby database after it is removed from the Data Guard broker configuration. Redo will continue to be shipped to this standby database. Default Value: Not enabled.


Example 1

The following example removes the standby single-instance database named "database1" from the Data Guard configuration associated with the primary single-instance database named "database".

emcli dg_remove_standby_database 

Example 2

The following example removes the standby cluster database named "database1" from the Data Guard configuration associated with the primary cluster database named "database" and the redo continues to be shipped to this standby database.

 emcli dg_remove_standby_database 