
Removes the association between a user profile and a set of users.


Standard Mode

emcli disassociate_user_profile
      -name="profile name"
      -users="users to be disassociated"

Interactive or Script Mode

emcli disassociate_user_profile(
      name="profile name";
      [,description="profile desc"]
      [,users="users to be associated"]
      [,included_profiles="profile to be included"]


  • name

    The name of the user profile that is to be disassociated.

  • users

    The users from whom the profile is to be disassociated.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


The following example disassociates the profile1 user profile from user1 and user2.

emcli disassociate_user_profile