
Edits the service-level rule for the specified service.


emcli edit_sl_rule
      -name="target name"
      -type="target type"
      [-expSL="expected service level value"]
      [-repeatSequence="days repeat sequence"]
      [-startTime="start time"]
      [-endTime="end time"]
      [-availStatesInclude="included availability states"]
      [-availStatesExclude="excluded availability states"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Identifies the target name.

  • type

    Identifies the target type. Use emcli get_targets to get the target type.

  • expSL

    Specifies the expected service-level rule. Values must be any number between 0 and 100.

  • repeatSequence

    Specifies the days in which the service-level rule is to be applied. Identify the days value from these comma-separated values: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN.

  • startTime

    Specifies the time of day that the application of the service-level rule is to begin. Enter the time format as: HH:min

  • endTime

    Specifies the time of day that the application of the service-level rule is to end. Enter the time format as: HH:min

  • availStatesInclude

    Specifies the availability states (apart from UP) that are to be included while computing the service-level rule. Values are: BLACKOUT|UNKNOWN

  • availStatesExclude

    Specifies the availability states (apart from UP) that are to be excluded while computing the service-level rule. Values are: BLACKOUT|UNKNOWN


Example 1

Update the MyService service-level rule to begin at 6 a.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays:

emcli edit_sl_rule