
Exports an Information Publisher report definition and all of its element definitions given its title and owner.


emcli export_report


  • title

    Title of the report to export. To export copies of Oracle-provided reports, the title value should be the internal report title stored in the repository. To avoid using the internal title, make a copy of the report and provide your own custom title, then use your title to export the report.

  • owner

    The owner of the report to export. The logged-in emcli user must have view privilege for the report. Target names are not exported. The report is uniquely defined using title and owner, so both must be supplied.

  • output_file

    Name of the exported file.


 emcli export_report       -title=Maintenance_Report       -owner=SHIFT1_OPERATOR       -output_file=$HOME/reports/maint_report.xml