
Retrieves the filtered targets available for software pool creation based on the given criteria.


emcli get_pool_filtered_targets
      -target_type="<Target type of Software Pool>"
      -paas_zone="<Paas Infrastructure Zone of Software Pool>"
      [-member_constraints="<constraint1=value1, constraint2=value2>"

[] indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • target_type

    Target type of the Software Pool.

  • paas_zone

    Name of PaaS infrastructure zone within which the filtered targets are to be retrieved.

  • member_constraints

    Comma separated key value pairs that restrict the addition of member targets to a software pool with a set criteria.


The following example retrieves the list of allowed possible member constraints for a pool target type:

emcli get_pool_allowed_member_constraints -target_type=<Target type>