
Displays the Management Agents that can be updated using a particular Management Agent gold image version or a Management Agent gold image.


emcli get_updatable_agents 
        -version_name  | -image_name 
        [-agents="Full Agent Name"] 
        [-versions="List of Versions"]
        [-groups="List of group names"]
        [-output_file="Location of the output file"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. 


  • version_name

    Specifies the version name of the Management Agent gold image.

  • image_name

    Specifies the gold image name to which the created Management Agent gold image must be added.

  • versions

    Displays the Management Agents that can be updated, and are of the specified versions.

  • agents

    Displays the Management Agents that can be updated, and whose name matches the specified name pattern.

  • groups

    Displays the Management Agents that can be updated, and are a part of those groups whose name matches the specified name pattern.

  • output_file

    Adds the displayed list of Management Agents that can be updated to an output file.

    Note: It is mandatory to specify the -version_name parameter or the -image_name parameter. If you specify both, a union of the outputs (when each of these parameters is specified individually) is displayed.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1

The following example lists the Management Agents that can updated using the Management Agent gold image 'OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE', and adds the list to the output file '/scratch/agents_file.txt':

emcli get_updatable_agents 
            -image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -output_file="/scratch/agents_file.txt"

Example 2

The following example lists the Management Agents that are of version or, and can be updated using the Management Agent gold image version 'OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE':

emcli get_updatable_agents 
            -version_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -versions=","