
Imports a subset definition from the specified XML file.


emcli import_subset_definition
      [-db_pref_cred_name=<DBCredsNormal | DBCredsSYSDBA>]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • adm_name

    Application Data Model (ADM) name.

  • subset_name

    Name of the imported subset definition.

  • target_name

    Target database name.

  • target_type

    Type of target. Possible values are 'oracle_database', 'rac_database' and 'oracle_pdb'.

  • file

    Fully-qualified file name of the file in XML format.

  • db_cred_name

    Name of existing credentials stored in the Enterprise Manager repository to connect selected target database.

    You must provide a value for either db_cred_name or db_pref_cred_name.

  • db_pref_cred_name

    Name of preferred credentials stored in the Enterprise Manager repository. You must provide a value for either db_cred_name or db_pref_cred_name.

    Valid values for this option are:

    • DBCredsNormal: Default normal credential set for an oracle_database target.

    • DBCredsSYSDBA: SYSDBA credential set for an oracle_database target.

  • description

    Description for the imported subset definition.

  • job_name

    Job name for the import subset definition operation.

  • job_description

    Job description.


Example 1

This example imports a subset definition from an XML file at path /scratch/samples/HR_subset.xml.

emcli import_subset_definition 

Example 2

This example imports a subset definition from an XML file at path /scratch/samples/HR_subset.xml using preferred normal database credentials.

emcli import_template -files="e1.xml;e2.xml;e3.xml"