
Lists all of the patches included in the custom plug-in update for a particular plug-in.


emcli list_patches_in_custom_plugin_update 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional. 


  • plugin

    ID, version, and revision of the plug-in. To view the version and revision of a plug-in, run the emcli list_custom_plugin_updates verb.

  • discovery

    Lists even patches with the discovery component of the plug. If not passed, only patches with the monitoring component of the plug-in are listed.


Example 1

The following example lists all of the patches included in the custom plug-in update of the version of the oracle.sysman.db2 plug-in. The patch list includes patches that contain only the monitoring component of the plug-in.

emcli list_patches_in_custom_plugin_update 

Example 2

The following example lists all the patches included in the custom plug-in update of the version of the oracle.sysman.db2 plug-in. The patch list includes patches that contain not only the monitoring component but also the discovery component of the plug-in.

emcli list_patches_in_custom_plugin_update