
Lists the entities in the software library based on the specified filter criteria. The results are printed in the following order:

Display Name, Revision, Description, Status, Type, Subtype, Maturity, Owner, [Folder Path, Folder Id, Entity Rev Id]


emcli list_swlib_entities 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the entity. The value specified for this option is considered for a case-insensitive match.

  • folder_id

    Internal identifier of the parent folder. The value specified for this option is considered for an exact match.

  • desc

    Description of the entity. The value specified for this option is considered for a case-insensitive match.

  • attr

    An attribute and its value, separated by a colon ( : ). For specifying values for multiple attributes, repeat the option. The value specified for this option is considered for an exact match.

    You can only use this option with the type parameter.

  • type

    Internal identifier of the entity type. Use the list_swlib_entity_types verb to identify the type.

  • subtype

    Internal identifier of the entity sub-type. Use the list_swlib_entity_subtypes verb to identify the sub-type.

  • maturity

    Maturity of the entity revision. Can be one of: MAT_Untested MAT_Beta MAT_Production

  • owner

    Owner of the entity revision.

  • status

    Status of the entity revision. Can be one of: STATE_Incomplete STATE_Ready STATE_Deleted

  • show_folder_path

    Enables printing of the internal path of each entity's folder.

  • show_folder_id

    Enables printing of the internal ID of each entity's folder. If specified, the value is printed after the value for show_folder_path.

  • show_entity_rev_id

    Enables printing of the internal ID of each entity. If specified, the value is printed after the value for show_folder_id.


This example lists all folders under the specified parent folder, and also prints the internal identifier for each folder in the list.

  emcli list_swlib_entities 
        -attr="PRODUCT:Oracle Database"