
For the specified target type, lists the metrics whose alerts are stateless and therefore can be manually cleared. Both the metric name and metric internal name are provided in the output of this command. To clear the stateless alerts associated with the specified metric, use the clear_stateless_alerts verb.


emcli metric_control 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • command

    Can be one of the following:

    • disable_metric — Disables loading of the specified metric .

    • enable_metric — Reenables loading of the specified metric.

    • list_disabled_metrics — Lists the metrics currently disabled for loading.

    • flush_metadata_cache — Flushes the metric API metadata cache target_type.

  • target_type

    Internal target type identifier (host, oracle_database, oc4j, oracle_emrep, oracle).

  • metric_name

    Internal name of the metric (for example, load for the host target type).


This example disables the loading of the Load metric on the host target type.

emcli metric_control -command=disable_metric -target_type=host -metric_name=Load