
Changes the life-cycle stage name. Only super users can run this command.

The Lifecycle Status property of the target has special semantics. The property does priority processing of events related to the target. Therefore, events from mission-critical targets have a higher priority than events from development targets. If you change the name, make sure to use a name that reflects its corresponding priority, because the same priority continues to be maintained regardless of the name change.


emcli modify_lifecycle_stage_name


  • name

    Current life-cycle stage name. The available list in the order of decreasing priority is:

    • MissionCritical

    • Production

    • Stage

    • Test

    • Development

  • new_name

    New life-cycle stage name. The new name is not translated into your locale and will be displayed as is. The new name should only contain alpha characters.

    When you change the existing name to a new name, all existing targets are updated with the new property value. For instance, if name=MissionCritical and new_name=Production, all existing targets are updated with Production.


emcli modify_lifecycle_stage_name