
Excludes or includes a specified set of metrics or targets from the metric data loading control mechanism.

This verb supports bulk operation for the following cases:

  • All metrics of all targets for a specified target type

  • All metrics of specified targets for a specified target type

  • All metrics of targets with a specified property name and property values

  • Specified metrics of all targets for a specified target type


emcli modify_metric_data_load_whitelist 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • -target_type

    Target type that you want to specify.

  • -prop_name

    Global target property name.

  • -prop_values

    Semicolon separated list of property values for a specified property name. Unless you want to add targets to a white list based on target properties, skip this option.

  • -targets

    Semicolon separated list of targets for a specified target type. If you want to perform the operation on all targets for a specified target type, then skip this option.

  • -metrics

    Semicolon separated list of metrics for a specified target type. If you want to perform the operation on all metrics for a specified target type, then skip this option.

  • -remove

    Use this option to remove the metric or target from the white listed targets or metrics. After removal, these metrics and targets are included in the metric data load quarantining process.


Example 1

The following command exempts host targets with the lifecycle status property set to production or staging from the data load quarantining process.

   emcli modify_metric_data_load_whitelist

Example 2

The following command removes the and hosts from the white listed targets.

 emcli modify_metric_data_load_whitelist