
Modifies an existing Enterprise Manager administrator role.


To leave a current value unchanged, do not include the corresponding argument. For example, if you are not modifying the role's description, do not include -description.

To update a role and add targets to the role, use the grant_privs verb.


emcli modify_role

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    The name of the role to modify.

  • description

    The updated description of the role.

  • roles

    A list of roles to assign to the specified role. Currently, "PUBLIC" is the only built-in role.

  • privilege

    A privilege to grant to this role. This option may be specified more than once. Note that privilege names are case-insensitive. Specify <secure_resource_details> as follows:


    Note: Privileges are case-insensitive.

    To retrieve the list SYSTEM privileges, which do not require resource information, execute the following emcli command:

    emcli get_supported_privileges -type=SYSTEM

    To retrieve the complete list of privileges and resource column names, execute the following emcli command:

    emcli get_supported_privileges

    To retrieve the list of target type privileges, execute the following emcli command

    emcli get_supported_privileges -type=TARGET

    To get the list of job privileges, execute the following emcli command

    emcli get_supported_privileges -type=JOB

  • separator

    Specify a string delimiter to use between name-value pairs for the value of the -privilege option. The default separator delimiter is a semi-colon ( ; ).

  • subseparator

    Specify a string delimiter to use between name and value in each name-value pair for the value of the -privilege option. The default subseparator delimiter is a colon ( : ).

  • users

    A list of users to whom this role is assigned. <subseparator:>WITH_ADMIN should be suffixed if the role needs to granted by WITH_ADMIN option.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1

This example modifies a role named existing_role with the one-sentence description "This role was changed." The role combines three existing roles: role1, role2, and role3. The role also has two added privileges: to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and to view the target The role is granted to johndoe and janedoe.

emcli modify_role
      -desc="This role was changed"

Example 2

This example modifies a role named existing_role by assigning role4, role5, and role6 to it. The description, privileges, and users associated with this role remain unchanged.

emcli modify_role